June 14, 2002
Committee seeks nominees for VP/provost position
The committee assigned to find Iowa State's next provost seeks nominations
for the position from the university community. Chaired by distinguished
chemical engineering professor Richard Seagrave, the group has met twice and
finalized a position advertisement (available online at
"We believe we are moving ahead very quickly," Seagrave said. "We are asking
for the ISU community's help in identifying vice provosts, deans and other
leaders at comparable institutions who could help lead Iowa State in this
Nominations, with address information, may be e-mailed to Seagrave at:
seagrave@iastate.edu. The committee will start reviewing applications
Aug. 20.
At the recommendation of President Gregory Geoffroy, the title of the
position was changed to vice president for academic affairs and provost.
Committee members endorsed the change.
"The new title both better describes the responsibilities of the position
and is more consistent with what a majority of universities are using,"
Geoffroy said. "Not everyone is familiar with the term 'provost' or a
provost's job duties, and this title better defines that."
Questions about the search may be directed to Seagrave or any of the 21
other search committee members, also listed on the search Web site.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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