June 14, 2002
Council urges equity for P&S salary increases
by Anne Krapfl
The Professional and Scientific Council approved a recommendation for a
salary increase distribution policy and heard details of the outplacement
program for laid-off P&S employees at its June 6 meeting.
The council recommends that salary increases for FY03, expected to average
around 2.6 percent for faculty and P&S staff, be distributed "as equitably
as possible" among staff members. Due to the relatively small pool of salary
increase funds this year, the proposal encourages managers to find
alternative, non-monetary ways to reward outstanding employee performances.
Several council members argued there isn't enough money this year to give
smaller increases to some in order to reward exemplary employees. This
particularly is a problem in units with small numbers of P&S employees.
Council member Jim Jensen, ISU Extension, argued that promoting equitable
increases sends the message that performance reviews are irrelevant to
salary decisions. The recommendation passed, with about a half-dozen "no"
votes and one abstention.
Assistant provost Ellen Rasmussen, a liaison to the council, told members
there still is time for July paychecks to reflect employee raises for FY03.
But she said salary decisions at the department level need to be completed
by about June 20 for that to happen.
ISU contract with Worklife Design
Carla Espinoza, director of human resource services, told the council the
university has a contract with Worklife Design, Ankeny, to provide
outplacement services for P&S employees whose jobs are eliminated by budget
cuts. Continuous employees are eligible for the services; term employees
whose terms end June 30 and aren't being renewed are not eligible.
By June 12, supervisors of P&S employees whose jobs are being cut should
receive in campus mail a packet of information, including a Worklife Design
service voucher. The supervisor needs to sign the voucher and give it to the
employee before an employee's last day of work at Iowa State. Employees must
contact Worklife Design (also known as Deems Associates), but there is no
deadline for making the initial contact. Espinoza said there also is no time
limit on using the services. A voucher is valid until an employee accepts a
Services include help with resume preparation, interviewing and job skills,
and career assessment.
Espinoza said the contract with Worklife Design is being funded centrally,
at the vice presidential level. Managers shouldn't deny an employee's
request because the department budget is drained.
In other business, the council:
- Approved a motion requesting continued funding ($30,000) for the
student recruitment and retention grant program.
- Tabled a motion for release time from full-time job duties for the
council president. Recent presidents have spent 20-plus hours weekly on
council business -- a deterrent to recruiting for the post.
- Approved the appointment of Del Marks, Continuing Education and
Communication Services, to fill the external affairs seat held by Kevin
Brown, News Service. Marks will serve until at least March 2003.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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