June 14, 2002
New admissions deadline is Aug. 1
The admissions office has implemented a new Aug. 1 application deadline for
prospective students who wish to enroll at Iowa State fall semester. All
application materials, including fee and transcripts, must be received by 5
p.m. Aug. 1. The new deadline is intended to help new students get better
class schedules and provide the university community an earlier indication
of the size of the incoming class. Questions should be directed to Phil
Caffrey, 4-0817, e-mail
University closed July 4
Classes will not be in session and university offices will be closed
Thursday, July 4, in observance of the national Fourth of July holiday.
Seminar for those affected by workforce reductions
Human resource services will sponsor an informational seminar for those
whose positions were eliminated in budget reductions. The seminar will be
held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 18, and repeated from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
Thursday, June 20. Representatives from Iowa Workforce Development, Iowa
Department of Human Services, Central Iowa Employment and Training
Consortium and Des Moines Area Community College will discuss how they can
help. More information is available online at
Foundation staff moving June 21
The ISU Foundation will move to new quarters off campus on Friday, June 21.
(College and unit development directors will remain in their respective
campus locations.) Foundation staff plan to resume normal activities Monday,
June 24. Phone numbers (except for fax) will remain the same. The new office
address is Iowa State University Advancement Center, 2505 Elwood Dr., Ames,
50010-8644, phone: 4-4607, fax: 4-6521.
Book store holds clearance sale
The University Book Store will hold a clearance sale June 14-21 on select
ISU clothing, gift items, general books, supplies and software. Store hours
are 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.
Office moves in residence department
The department of residence is making several office moves in Friley and
Helser halls this month to better use its administrative space. Office phone
numbers will remain the same. Changes include:
- Administrative office: moved from 1215 Friley to 2419 Friley,
effective June 6. The new office is near the Friley post office and C-store.
Signs direct visitors to the new location.
- Residence facilities and maintenance offices in Friley Hall were
consolidated in 0347 Helser.
- ISU Dining Service office: moving from 1216 Friley to 1215 Friley.
- Residence payroll office: moving from 1200 Friley to 2415 Friley.
- Inter Residence Hall Association office: moving from 2415 Friley to
A149 Friley.
- UDA student government office: moving to A286 Helser.
Summer sitters list available
The YWCA summer sitters list is available in 15 Alumni Hall. The list is $2
(free for Iowa State students).
Odyssey of Mind to return
Iowa State will host the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals in the summers of
2003, 2006 and 2009. Iowa State has hosted the finals of the international
problem-solving competition three times. The event brings thousands of
students and parents to campus.
Lot repair may require alternative reserved parking
Campus crews will be doing crack and joint filling in campus parking lots
throughout the summer. Plans are to begin in a lot about 4 a.m. and be done
by 7:30 a.m. When work cant be completed by 7:30 a.m., the lot will be
barricaded until it is complete. Reserved permit holders who find their lots
barricaded are asked to park in lot 29/30 (north of Molecular Biology), any
general staff lot (leave your permit in your vehicle) or at the ISU Center
and ride the orange shuttle bus to campus.
Geoffroy on Talk of Iowa June 18
President Gregory Geoffroy will be a guest on the Tuesday, June 18, edition
of Talk of Iowa on WOI Radio. The live, call-in program airs from 10
to 11 a.m. weekdays on WOI-AM (640). Questions to Geoffroy may be submitted
electronically in advance to:
Groundbreaking is June 27
A groundbreaking ceremony for the new Extension and 4-H Youth Development
building will begin at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, June 27, north of the
Administrative Services Building. The $4.7 million building, funded with
private gifts, will house Extensions state 4-H Youth Development office and
the educational materials and marketing services division of Continuing
Education and Communication Services.
- Eli Rosenberg, professor of physics, to chair of the department of
physics and astronomy, effective July 1.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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