May 24, 2002
After Five
Ever wonder where your co-workers are headed at the end of the day? This
Inside feature catches up with university employees "after five."
Photo by Bob Elbert.
Name: Lee Anne Willson
By day, she's: University professor, physics and astronomy
After five, she's: Artist and co-founder, CASA (Creative Artists'
Studio of Ames)
Her portfolio's star attraction: Modular origami, also known as 2-D
paper quilts, which sell for "negligible to over $1,000"
She's most illuminated: "Playing with colors and shapes"
When art surpasses the star search: "My work as a theoretical
astrophysicist is very abstract. It's nice, then, to be able to actually see
what I've created in the studio, to pick it up at the end of the
day." |
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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