May 24, 2002
Council seeks to clarify grievance procedure
by Anne Krapfl
During its May 2 meeting, the Professional and Scientific Council elected
officers for the 2002-03 year. Council members also approved a motion
clarifying the P&S grievance procedure as written in the P&S
Incumbent president Rex Heer, Instructional Technology Center, was elected
to a second term as president. Kevin Kane, Academic Information
Technologies, will serve as vice president and Catherine Good, Ag Experiment
Station Administration, was elected secretary-treasurer. The two at-large
seats on the council's executive committee went to Lynne Mumm, ISU Research
Foundation; and Kurt Roberts, Education Talent Search.
The council proposes changing the grievance procedure to allow P&S grievants
to select any individual to accompany them to grievance proceedings and
clarifying the role of that person. The online version of the handbook
currently limits that service to other ISU P&S employees only. Members of
the council's policies and procedures committee, which presented the motion,
argued that it may be difficult to find a P&S colleague to serve in that
role. (Some may fear retaliation, for example.) They also argued that
grievants should select persons they're comfortable with, whether they be
co-workers, family members or friends. The motion goes to the provost for
review and implementation.
The public forum preceding the meeting featured summary presentations by
representatives of four groups that received student recruitment and
retention grants this year. A committee of the council awards and oversees
the grants. Funding ($30,000 this year) is provided by the president's
office. A streaming media file of the forum is available from the council's
Web site at
The council's last meeting of this year begins at 2 p.m. Thursday, June 6,
in 244 Memorial Union. There will be no noon forum.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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