May 24, 2002
My favorite spot
Inside Iowa State asked a handful of university staff and faculty
where they best like to go on campus, when they get the chance. While
everyone enjoys central campus, surprisingly that green acreage wasn't No. 1
on the lists of these six. Here is where these Iowa Staters like to
"My favorite place on campus is the psychology mail room because that's
where I run into my colleagues and students. That's where I get to chat with
them and keep in touch."
Veronica Dark (right), associate professor of psychology
My favorite spot is the Lagomarcino courtyard. My wife and I got married
there (May 25, 1985), a week after I graduated from Iowa State. Campus
security had the building locked up when we arrived two hours before the
wedding, so (faculty member) Larry Ebbers came from home -- he was mowing
his lawn -- to unlock doors for us.
Jim Twetten, manager, Creative Services, Instructional Technology
Center |
A spot I like to walk to is the south side of Lake LaVerne. I love to be
outdoors and I like the trees and landscaping along the lake.
Lauri Dusselier, program coordinator, Student Health
Center |
"My favorite spot is the Hub. I'd go over there for a break, mainly with
Glen Russell (former chemistry colleague). We'd drink gallons and gallons of
coffee. I don't go over as much now, but he and I used to go there four or
five times a week."
Walter Trahanovsky, professor of chemistry |
"The Farm House Museum is one of my favorite places. The Museum offers a
visual and tactile glimpse into Iowa State's historical beginnings -- it
would be wonderful if those walls could talk."
Cynthia Avalos, account clerk, Academic Information Technologies
"Veenker Memorial Golf Course is always so beautiful and well-managed. It
provides me a chance to be outside, away from the routines of everyday work
and living. My favorite hole is number 14. The hills are behind you by this
time, and by 14, the course has either beaten me or I am ready for the
challenge of getting my best score."
John Larson, engineering technician, Facilities Planning and
Management |
Photos by Bob Elbert
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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