May 24, 2002
Faculty titles reviewed
by Linda Charles
New faculty titles -- lecturer, clinician, senior lecturer and senior
clinician -- will go into effect this fall when the new non-tenure track
faculty policy is implemented. But the policy has raised questions about
other faculty titles, such as adjunct, visiting and affiliate.
A Faculty Senate committee is studying faculty titles to see how they may be
affected by the new non-tenure track policy and bring them more in line with
titles used at other universities throughout the nation, said committee
chair David Hopper.
"Using titles similar to those used nationally provides a better
understanding of the positions within the university and helps in
recruiting," Hopper said. It also helps those who leave Iowa State describe
what they have been doing.
For example, Hopper said, most universities reserve the title "adjunct" for
people outside the university, such as a professional architect who teaches
a class. At Iowa State, "adjunct" has been used for many titles, including
professional and scientific staff who have teaching duties. There are
approximately 125 P&S staff who currently hold adjunct teaching positions.
Hopper said the committee hopes to present a proposal to the senate sometime
next fall. In the meantime, associate provost Susan Carlson said,
departments should continue using the current titles.
"We haven't changed anything yet," Carlson said. "We still need some time to
review ways in which current titles, including those held by some P&S
employees undertaking faculty work, are impacted by the new non-tenure track
faculty policy," she said.
Most adjunct positions are for one-year terms, Carlson said, and any title
changes would not go into effect until fall 2003.
One change already under discussion is for the College of Veterinary
Medicine, she said. Most vet med schools use the titles of assistant
clinical professor, associate clinical professor and clinical professor. ISU
Vet Med officials are proposing that the same titles, rather than clinician
and senior clinician, be used at Iowa State.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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