May 24, 2002
Inside summer schedule
During the summer, Inside will be published on June 14, July 5, July
26 and Aug. 16. The newspaper will resume normal publication (every two
weeks) with the Aug. 30 issue.
UCW seeking new members
The University Committee on Women is seeking new members to help monitor and
raise issues of importance to women throughout campus. Members are needed in
all classifications (faculty, P&S, Merit, and graduate and undergraduate
students). UCW meets monthly and terms are for three years. To apply,
contact Linda Charles (4-3129, e-mail:
lacharl@iastate), by June 28.
Budget info online
Summaries of the FY03 budget reduction plans, developed for their respective
units by the president, provost and three vice presidents, are available
online at http://www.iastate. edu/budget/documents/reduce. The reduction
plans were submitted to the president's Task Force on Strategic
Effectiveness and Budget Priorities, which forwarded its recommendations to
President Gregory Geoffroy. The president accepted the task force
recommendations in late March and subsequently directed the vice presidents
and provost to begin implementing reductions, which will involve cuts of
$15.4 million from the university's FY03 budget.
Female volunteers sought
The human metabolic unit of the Center for Designing Foods to Improve
Nutrition seeks post-menopausal women for a six-week research study using
soy protein. Participants should be healthy, not taking hormones or
medications, have a body mass index between 20 and 32 ("normal" range) and
be able to take part for six weeks. Benefits to participants include
analysis of dietary intake, assessment of iron status and blood lipids, and
$125. Participants will be sought all summer; start as soon as you'd like.
Call 4-8673.
Faculty reminded of survey
Faculty recently received a survey that will be used as part of a Faculty
Senate-sponsored evaluation of the U.S. Diversity and International
Perspectives requirements for undergraduate students. Those who are leaving
campus for the summer are asked to return the survey before leaving. Faculty
remaining on campus during the summer months may return the survey at their
earliest convenience. Questions should be directed to Mack Shelley, Research
Institute for Studies in Education, 4-7009,
Biotech facilities info online
General information about the equipment and services offered at bio
technology facilities on campus is available online at
http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/instrumentation_facilities. For a paper
copy, contact Dena Huisman, Office of Biotechnology, 4-7356, e-mail:
- Paul Lasley, professor of rural sociology, to chair of the
sociology department, effective July 1.
- Andrejs Plakans, professor of history, to chair of the history
department, effective July 1.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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