May 3, 2002
Provost Office announces faculty promotions, tenure
The Board of Regents, State of Iowa approved tenure and/or a promotion for
the following 51 faculty members (20 women and 31 men) during its April 17
College of Agriculture
Promotion to professor (already tenured)
Jack Dekkers, animal science
James Dickson, microbiology
Matt Liebman, agronomy
Hongwei Xin, agricultural and biosystems
Promotion to associate professor with tenure
Cynthia Anderson, sociology
Philip Becraft, zoology and genetics
Xun Gu, zoology and genetics
Promotion to associate professor (collaborator without tenure)
Marvin Scott, agronomy
College of Business
Promotion to associate professor with tenure
Robert Ruben, logistics, operations and management
information systems
College of Design
Promotion to associate professor with tenure
Barbara Caldwell, art and design
Michael Martin, landscape architecture
College of Education
Promotion to professor (already tenured)
Joseph Chen, industrial education and technology
Douglas King, health and human performance
Promotion to associate professor with tenure
Anne Marie Foegen, curriculum and instruction
Florence Hamrick, educational leadership and
policy studies
College of Engineering
Tenure without promotion (as professor)
Vladimir Tsukruk, materials science and engineering
Promotion to associate professor with tenure
Julie Dickerson, electrical and computer
Frank Peters, industrial and manufacturing systems
College of Family and Consumer Sciences
Promotion to professor (already tenured)
Mary Jane Brotherson, human development and
family studies
Sara Kadolph, apparel, educational studies and
hospitality management
Promotion to associate professor with tenure
D. Lee Alekel, food science and human nutrition
Haemoon Oh, apparel, educational studies and
hospitality management
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Promotion to professor (already tenured)
Clifford Bergman, mathematics
Dawn Bratsch-Prince, foreign languages and
Brad Bushman, psychology
Philip Dixon, statistics
Sue Haug, music
Kathy Leonard, foreign languages and literatures
Kerry Whisnant, physics and astronomy
Promotion to associate professor with tenure
Igor Beresnev, geological and atmospheric sciences
James Bovinette, music
Michael Daniels, statistics
Gavin Naylor, zoology and genetics
Daniel Nettleton, statistics
Donna Niday, English
A. Whitney Sanford, philosophy and religious
Joerg Schmalian, physics and astronomy
Sunder Sethuraman, mathematics
Valerie Sheares, chemistry
Amy Slagell, English
Joseph Taylor, history
Tenure without promotion (as associate professor)
Robyn Lutz, computer science
Promotion to associate professor with tenure
Susan Vega-Garcia
Tanya Zanish-Belcher
College of Veterinary Medicine
Promotion to professor (already tenured)
Mark Ackermann, veterinary pathology
Brad Thacker, veterinary diagnostic and production
animal medicine
Promotion to associate professor with tenure
Michael Apley, veterinary diagnostic and production
animal medicine
Karen Kline, veterinary clinical sciences
Eileen Thacker, veterinary microbiology and
preventive medicine
Tenure without promotion (as associate professor)
Anumantha Kanthasamy, biomedical sciences
Michael Yaeger, veterinary diagnostic and
production animal medicine
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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