May 3, 2002
After five
Ever wonder where your co-workers are headed at the end of the day? This
Inside feature catches up with university employees "after five."
Photo by Gary Clarke.
Name: Keith Bystrom
By day, he's: Assistant counsel, Office of University Counsel
After five, he's: Referee and president, Ames Soccer Club
Keeps clear of contempt: "By chatting with all the parents at
halftime. This is a way I can educate them about the rules of the game and
answer their questions."
Overrules their objections: "When their kids get older and they
think they know the game. It gets a bit more contentious."
Begs for the bench: "During two-day tournaments when it's snowing
and raining, your clothes are wet and your feet are frozen. By the end of
the day, you're ready for the hot tub."
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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