May 3, 2002
Call for poetry entries
Imagining This Land, a yearlong project to build community through public
art, will publish eight poems in August about cultural diversity in Ames.
All members of the Ames community, including ISU faculty, staff and
students, are eligible. Submit up to two poems in any language or dialect,
with a brief English translation, by July 1 to Joni Palmer, 146 College of
Design. Entries should include a self-addressed stamped envelope, 50-word
autobiography and contact information (address, telephone and e-mail).
Questions can be directed to Joni Palmer, e-mail:
jmsparki@hotmail.com, or ISU Honors student Dorothy Tang,
Geoffroy on Talk of Iowa
President Gregory Geoffroy will be a guest on the Thursday, May 9, edition
of Talk of Iowa on WOI-AM Radio. The live, call-in program airs weekdays at
10 a.m. on 640 AM.
Bike auction May 8
ISU Surplus will hold a bicycle auction beginning at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday,
May 8, in the grassy area south of the Purchasing Warehouse. Bikes of all
makes, sizes and types will be available for viewing from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
that day. All sales are cash or check only.
Sanderson accepts ISU job
Collegiate wrestling champion Cael Sanderson announced May 1 that he has
accepted a position as an administrative assistant in the ISU athletic
department. The position, which will include community relations,
fund-raising and administrative responsibilities, will allow him to continue
to train for the Olympics in Ames and work with Iowa State's wrestlers.
"I'm looking forward to helping our wrestling program and the Cyclone
athletic program in any way I can," Sanderson said.
Pay plan switch available through July 10
Tenured, tenure-track and adjunct faculty on nine-month, B-base
appointments, and P&S staff with nine- or 10-month positions may enroll in
the 12-month pay plan for the fiscal year that begins July 1. (Those who
previously switched to 12-month plans also may switch back to the nine-month
pay plan.) For either option, application forms are due in the payroll
office, 3608 ASB, by 5 p.m. July 10. In the 12-month plan, benefits and tax
deductions are made equally from 12 payments. Salary for additional summer
teaching or research is added to the monthly pay during the summer
appointment months. Forms are available in the payroll office (call 4-6556)
or on the payroll forms Web site,
Summer camps at Iowa State
Youth at Iowa State summer camps can indulge interests in such topics as
archaeology, outer space, computer programming, digital photography, ancient
Egypt and numerous sports. Information about summer camps may be found
online at
Course in large van driving May 22
A course to help drivers handle 15-passenger vans will be offered by ISU
Transportation Services from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, May 22, in room 8 at the
Fire Service Training Bureau on Haber Road. The course is open to all ISU
faculty, staff and students. Cost is $15, payable by intramural to
Transportation Services. Call 4-0181 to register.
WOI spring drive tops $230,000
WOI Radio's spring membership drive, which ran April 19-26, received
$233,727 in member pledges, matches and challenges. An $81,000-plus final
day helped station staff members approach last year's record spring drive of
Sunrun is May 20-24
Team PrISUm, Iowa State's solar car team, will travel across Iowa May 20-24
to promote alternative energy sources. "Sunrun 2002" will include stops at
schools in Des Moines, Davenport, Cedar Rapids, Cedar Falls and Webster
City. Team PrISUm members are designing the seventh ISU solar car for the
American Solar Challenge in July 2003.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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