April 5, 2002
Dining unit to be managed by residence
by Anne Krapfl
In a reversal of a decision made nearly two years ago, Iowa State's new
campus dining services will be directed and managed by the residence
department. In June 2000, after several studies, ISU leaders made the
decision to create a new auxiliary unit (part of neither the Memorial Union
nor the residence department) that would report directly to the vice
president for student affairs.
The change in that decision is necessary, vice president for student affairs
Tom Hill announced March 18, because of strict bond repayment requirements.
Residence hall dining must stay with the residence department in order to
honor some of those requirements, he said. The residence department will
operate the merged unit -- created from residence dining, Memorial Union
food service operations, all campus vending and catering, and Scheman
Building food service -- under a management contract with the university.
The revised organizational structure will include a campus dining board of
directors, Hill said. That board, along with the new director, will develop
both a strategic plan and a business plan for the new unit. The Board of
Regents, State of Iowa, will approve those plans.
The new director will report to Randy Alexander, director of residence. Two
candidates, Richard Berlin III, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and
Jonathan Lewis, University of Maine, Orono, interviewed for the director
post last month.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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