April 5, 2002
Extension provides ag classes for Deere Waterloo staff
by Anne Krapfl
Changes in Iowa's workforce have created a huge educational opportunity in
northeast Iowa for ISU Extension employees. Extension has contracted with
the John Deere Co. to provide a series of courses aimed at getting Deere
Waterloo Works employees more in tune with agriculture and where it's
"The people at the Waterloo plant are concerned about a significant -- 50 to
60 percent -- turnover in their workforce over a five-year period,"
explained Paul Brown, Extension education director for northeast Iowa and
leader of the Deere class project. "A generation ago, many of their workers
grew up on farms, still farmed part time or perhaps were displaced farmers.
With lots of those people now retiring, they're finding that the new workers
might not be as knowledgeable about what's going on in agriculture."
The goal is to give all 5,000 plant employees a better understanding of
trends and changes in agriculture so that the products they're designing and
producing address the needs of the current ag environment, Brown said.
"John Deere 101: Issues and Trends in North American Agriculture" has been
taught at the Waterloo plant since November. So far, 1,000 employees have
attended the one-day class. Two-person volunteer teams from among 10
Extension county directors and 10 ag field specialists from all over the
state teach the class.
"John Deere 201: Global Agriculture, Product Diversity and New Markets" is
in the development stage now; Brown said it will first be taught later this
year. The third course in the series will be "301: Global Economy and
Emerging Markets."
The courses are being developed by an interdisciplinary team of Extension
employees from on and off campus, including economists, sociologists,
entomologists, and field and communication specialists.
Reaction so far to John Deere 101 is good. Brown said 95 percent of those
who have taken the class expressed satisfaction with it. Positive
experiences have helped promote the class among Deere employees. Officials
at the Deere headquarters in Moline, Ill., have inquired about offering the
series at Deere plants across the country.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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