April 5, 2002
Laptop thefts on campus
In the past several weeks, a number of laptop computers have been reported
stolen from various campus locations. Prevent laptop theft by remembering
that no place is safe. Get in the habit of securing your laptop by using a
cable lock or a docking station and remember to back up data. More
information on preventing laptop theft is available online at
http://www.labmice.net/articles/laptopsecurity.htm. Insurance coverage
for university laptop computers is available through the Office of Risk
Management. Contact Deb Keys, 4-7674, for details.
ISU singles meeting
All Iowa State single faculty and staff are invited to a gathering at the
Atrium on Grand (in the Northern Lights Shopping Center in north Ames) from
5:30 to 7 p.m. Friday, April 12. Participants will be asked to complete a
survey about future events they would like to attend. For more information
contact Suzanne Zilber, 4-0171, e-mail:
Daylight-saving time begins this weekend
Daylight-saving time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday, April 7, when we'll lose one
hour of sleep. Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before you turn in
on Saturday.
DEO title to disappear
On July 1, the title of "department executive officer" will change to the
more traditional "department chair" for academic department leaders at ISU.
The change has been discussed by the Faculty Senate, DEO Council and
President's Cabinet.
Special Irish dance demonstration
Dancers from the Trinity Irish Dance Company, Chicago, will talk about Irish
dance and their training, and offer a free demonstration of dances at 12:10
p.m. Friday, April 12, in the Forker Building. The dance company is in town
for a 7:30 p.m. performance that evening at Stephens Auditorium. Tickets for
the evening concert cost $19-$31 and are available at the Stephens box
office or through TicketMaster.
Geoffroy on Talk of Iowa
President Gregory Geoffroy will be a guest on the Thursday, April 11,
edition of Talk of Iowa on WOI Radio. Joining him will be 2002 Veishea
co-chair Mark Ringkob. The live, call-in program airs from 10 to 11 a.m. on
640 AM.
Learning communities institute in May
The 2002 Learning Communities Institute will be held May 13-14 at the
Scheman Building. The featured speakers are Karl Smith, University of
Minnesota, who will talk about collaborative learning and design, and David
Schoem, University of Michigan, who will focus on service learning and
intergroup dialogue. Information about the schedule and registration is
online at
http://www.iastate.edu/~learncommunity/2002institute. The early-bird
registration deadline is April 15; registration closes April 30.
It's University Counsel
Iowa State's Office of University Legal Services has changed its name, to
Office of University Counsel. Staff also are preparing to move back to
remodeled space in 3550 Beardshear. The name change is intended to describe
more accurately the office's role at the university. Director Paul Tanaka
said he and his staff receive many inquiries from students and employees who
mistakenly think the office provides personal legal services. University
Counsel staff serve as legal advisers to the university and university
Workers comp sessions set for supervisors
Changes in the workers compensation system will be detailed during a
workshop for supervisors. OSHA rules require supervisors to be able to
inform employees of the workers compensation injury and record-keeping
system. The workshop begins at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 16, in the Memorial
Union Gallery. It will be repeated at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, in the
Campanile Room, and at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 30, in the Gallery.
Supervisors should call Dawn Hitsman, 4-7711, to schedule attendance at one
of the sessions.
Geoffroy to speak at ISU Women's Club luncheon
President Gregory Geoffroy will discuss the university's role in Iowa, the
nation and beyond during the ISU Women's Club 2002 spring luncheon, which
begins at noon Wednesday, April 24, in The Hotel at Gateway Center Garden
Room. Tickets are $16 and available at Cook's Emporium, 313 Main St., or
from Audrey Marley, 232-1394, or Shelly Boyd, 232-3974.
Student fashion show is April 12-13
The 20th annual textiles and clothing fashion show will begin at 7 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, April 12-13, in Fisher Theater. Tickets, available
through Ticketmaster, are $8.50 for Friday and $10.50 for Saturday's award
night. A high tea to view the designs in an informal setting begins at noon
Saturday, April 13, in the Joan Bice Underwood Tea Room, MacKay Hall. Tea
tickets are $30, available from one of the show's directors by e-mail:
transmission@iastate.edu. For more information, see the show's Web site,
Lake plunge for Iowa Special Olympics is April 6
The 5th annual "Polar Bear Plunge," a fund-raiser for the Iowa Special
Olympics, will take place at 5 p.m. Saturday, April 6, at Lake LaVerne.
Provost Rollin Richmond, vice president for student affairs Tom Hill and
Alumni Association president Jeff Johnson are among those who will jump into
the lake. Participants are asked to raise $50 in pledges for their lake
plunge. The plunge is held in conjunction with Greek Week. For more
information, contact Kristi Shoultz, 267-0131.
FPM debuts new Web site
Facilities Planning and Management has created a new Web page giving a
"behind the scenes" look at its various campus services; notices on sidewalk
closings, building changes and improvements; and helpful hints on things
such as walking on ice and snow. The Web site is online at
Golden Key conference on campus this weekend
The Iowa State chapter of Golden Key International Honour Society will host
more than 130 delegates from seven states at the 2002 Northern Regional
Conference, April 5-7. Golden Key members and advisers from more than 20
institutions will attend leadership, service and career development
workshops. Golden Key is an honors organization that recognizes the top 15
percent of juniors and seniors in all undergraduate fields.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.