March 15, 2002
Allison Tyler (center, in dark sweater) at a recent Ames Board of Education
meeting. Photo by Bob Elbert. |
After five
Ever wonder where your co-workers are headed at the end of the day? This
Inside feature catches up with university employees "after five."
Name: Allison Tyler
By day, she's: Program assistant, Statistical Laboratory
After five, she's: Vice president, Ames Board of Education
Fate worse than finals: "When we try to make the best decisions on
some really big issues, knowing that no matter what, someone is going to be
Better than a 4.0: "Spending time with the kids and realizing that
the decisions you make really do have an impact on their lives."
Best lesson learned: "To choose my words wisely."
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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