March 15, 2002
Council's severance proposal likely to hit roadblocks
by Anne Krapfl
Knowing that several components in the proposal simply can't be done,
Professional and Scientific Council members approved a motion March 7 that
would provide more extensive job search help, medical benefits and cash to
P&S employees who lose their jobs due to financial cutbacks. The proposal,
which will be forwarded to provost Rollin Richmond and vice president for
business and finance Warren Madden, would replace language in the P&S
"Dismissal due to reorganization or financial conditions" policy.
The proposed severance package includes:
- Access to university computers, e-mail, the Internet, copy and fax
machines, at no cost.
- Out-placement services, if requested by employee, at no cost.
- An employee's same health insurance coverage and costs for up to three
months following his or her last work day.
- 90-days' severance pay.
- Cash for accumulated sick leave (converted on a 3:1 ratio to vacation)
of up to $2,000.
Human resource services director Carla Espinoza, who regularly attends
council meetings, told council members the last two items aren't possible
under state employment regulations.
"The expectation in state government is you work for your salary," she said.
She also said sick leave is a benefit, not compensation, and can't be paid
out. If it's paid out as compensation (upon conversion), then it's also
subject to income tax.
Espinoza also said continued coverage under an ISU health insurance plan
after a person's job ends could compromise eligibility later for COBRA
insurance (temporary health insurance).
In spite of Espinoza's comments, the motion passed unanimously.
"Our colleagues are looking at some tough times. They need to know we're
trying to help them out," said council member Barry McCroskey.
Family leave policy
The council also passed a motion requesting that a March 7 draft of a policy
for P&S employees and faculty regarding family leave be withheld from
discussion at the March 11 President's Cabinet meeting.
The most recent draft includes a paragraph that outlines the relationship
between the university's family leave policy and the federal FMLA (Family
Medical Leave Act). It also includes more specific language about extension
of the probationary period for tenure-track faculty and assigns to the
department the task of covering an employee's duties while he or she is on
leave. New language calls for the policy to be reviewed three years after it
is implemented.
Council members generally said the draft was an improvement over the Jan. 24
draft they reviewed, but objected to the short time between its release and
proposed discussion at the cabinet level.
Council members also objected to a revised definition of P&S staff who would
be covered under the policy because it excludes a large number of P&S staff.
The new definition is "continuous P&S employees or P&S employees on
contracts of at least three years." According to ISU's Office of
Institutional Research, about 46 percent of P&S employees' salaries are
covered by so-called "soft" money -- contracts, grants, fees -- and are not
considered "continuous." Some of these employees are on three-year
appointments, but most have one- or two-year contracts.
In other business, the council:
- Approved a motion requesting that the "official" online versions of
the OPG (Office Procedure Guide) and P&S Handbook be brought up to date and
in agreement by May 1.
- Approved a motion that supports the restoration or replacement of
Morrill Hall "provided those efforts result in a building that is both
contextually and strategically appropriate." President Gregory Geoffroy has
asked for comments on Morrill Hall's future by March 15. (See story
Morrill Hall story.)
The council's next meeting begins at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 3, in the
Memorial Union Pioneer Room. Assistant provost Ellen Rasmussen and assistant
to the president for budget planning Mark Chidister are scheduled to provide
a budget update during a noon forum in the same location.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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