March 15, 2002
$4.9 million is target in second
Employee furloughs not part of university's cost-cutting plans
by Anne Krapfl
Iowa State will have to return another estimated $4.9 million to the state
this year in response to the second deappropriation since July 1. President
Gregory Geoffroy announced earlier this month that employee furloughs will
not be part of the university's budget-cutting strategy. Geoffroy noted that
Iowa State's complicated salary structure and various kinds of appointments
would make an equitable and efficient furlough plan nearly impossible to
achieve with just four months to go in the fiscal year. Some units of state
government are expected to make use of furloughs.
Geoffroy said the offices of the provost, three vice presidents and
president each will further reduce their budgets by one-half of 1 percent,
or a total of $1.8 million. They may do this selectively or in an
across-the-board reduction. Other budget-cutting measures include:
- Close as much of campus as possible during spring break, March
16-24, for operational and energy savings. (See guidelines on page 2.)
- Defer or cancel building repair projects, including roof and sidewalk
- Make additional cuts in central administration units.
Preparing for FY03
University leaders are working toward the May 16 Board of Regents, State of
Iowa, meeting, when FY03 budgets first will be presented.
Last week, Geoffroy received the recommendations of the Task Force on
Strategic Effectiveness and Budget Priorities for eliminating an estimated
$16.5 million from next year's budget. Geoffroy is studying the
recommendations and said he will announce those that he accepts as final
decisions are made.
Including an initial cut last summer to the university's FY02 budget, Iowa
State has trimmed more than $31 million from its budget this year.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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