March 1, 2002
March is women's history month
by Linda Charles
Poetry, lectures, performances and ice cream will highlight Women's History
Month, held in March on campus.
Events will begin at noon, March 4, with "Dialogues on Domestic Violence and
Sexual Assault," led by Tii Russell, graduate student in educational
leadership and policy studies. The discussion in the Memorial Union Pioneer
Room will focus on international differences and issues related to domestic
violence and sexual assault.
An "International Women's Day," featuring poetry readings, handcraft
displays and refreshments will be held at the women's center (Sloss House)
from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday, March 8. The international theme will continue that
day when several international student organizations will serve food samples
and perform dances from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Memorial Union Gallery.
The blues will take center stage on Tuesday, March 12, when songwriter and
guitarist Marcia Ball (nominated for five Handy Awards) will perform at 7
p.m. at the Maintenance Shop. Tickets are $17.
"Cool Chicks Scooping Ice Cream" will begin at 11 a.m. Tuesday, March 26, at
the women's center. The ISU community is invited to drop by, enjoy some ice
cream and learn what the women's center has to offer.
Women's History Month activities conclude with a talk on women's career
paths at 3 p.m. Friday, March 29, in the Memorial Union Gold Room. Charidy
Wright, a graduate student in educational leadership and policy studies,
will discuss career paths and trends for women. She also will provide tips
for job searches in today's tough market.
Other events during the month include discussions on gender differences,
women's role in creating music, women's health issues, 20th-century ISU
women, and sexual harassment in the workplace.
Women's History Month: Schedule of Events
"Women's History: So That Every Generation Will Know the Stories,"
March 4-29
Monday, March 4
Noon, Lecture, "Dialogues on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault," Tii
Russell, ISU student in educational leadership and policy studies, Pioneer
Room, Memorial Union.
Tuesday, March 5
Noon, Lecture, "Gender Differences Among Cultures," Kathy Zaimes, ISU
student in physics, Gallery, Memorial Union.
Wednesday, March 6
Noon, Lecture, "Feminism in International Relations," Erin Byrne, ISU
student in political science, Pioneer Room, Memorial Union.
Thursday, March 7
Noon and 3 p.m., Lecture, "Multicultural History of Women and Music,"
Judy Gorman, singer and songwriter, Gold Room, Memorial Union.
8 p.m., Concert, Judy Gorman, folk, blues, jazz and gospel, free,
Maintenance Shop, Memorial Union.
Friday, March 8
3-5 p.m., Reception, International Women's Day, poetry reading and
handicrafts display, Sloss House.
6-9 p.m., International food and dance, student organizations serving
samples of their native countries' foods, free, Gallery, Memorial Union.
Monday, March 11
Exhibit opening, "Imagining Iowa: Prairie Conservationist Ada Hayden,"
continues through April, lobby, Parks Library.
Tuesday, March 12
Noon, Lecture, "Women's Wellness, Nutrition and Stress Management,"
Lauri Dusselier, ISU student health services; and "Women's Cycles and
Chiropractic Care," Laura Galvin, Ames chiropractor, Gallery, Memorial
7 p.m., Concert, Marcia Ball, blues, $17, Maintenance Shop, Memorial
Wednesday, March 13
3-5 p.m. Reception and display, "Twentieth Century Women of Iowa
State," Special Collections Reading Room (403 Parks Library), refreshments.
Thursday, March 14
Noon, Presentation, "ISU's Women of Science, 1900-2000," Tanya
Zanish-Belcher, ISU University Archives, Pioneer Room, Memorial Union.
Friday, March 15
4 p.m. Discussion, "International Gender Roles," with ISU students
Zobair Molla, electrical engineering; Nelson Yong, business; Miranda Mhango,
accounting; and Swathi Ravichandran, business administration; facilitated by
Penny Rice, ISU Women's Center, Maintenance Shop, Memorial Union.
Wednesday, March 20
Noon, Lecture, Women In Touch Series, "Organize Your Office, Manage
Your Time," Mary Sigmann, Ames, preregistration, $12 (includes lunch), Sun
Room, Memorial Union.
Monday, March 25
3 p.m. Lecture, "Sexual Harassment in the Work Place," Carla Espinoza,
ISU human resources services, Gallery, Memorial Union.
Tuesday, March 26
11 a.m. Open house, "Cool Chicks Scooping Ice Cream," Sloss House.
Wednesday, March 27
Noon, Reading, "Contemporary Women's Poetry (1960-1975)," ISU English
students Erika Mueller, Mary Henson Saunders and Joan Stewart, Gold Room,
Memorial Union.
Thursday, March 28
4 p.m., Performance, ISU World Theatre Workshop, Gallery, Memorial
8 p.m. Lecture, "Women, Laughter and Power," Regina Barreca, University
of Connecticut, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
Friday, March 29
Noon, Lecture, "Celebrating 125 Years of Sororities at ISU" (a brief
history highlighting the successes of sororities and outstanding women), ISU
students Kelly Koeppel, child and family services, and Gigi Fairchild,
biology; and Alisa Frandsen, ISU Greek Affairs, Gold Room, Memorial Union.
3 p.m. Lecture, "Women's Career Paths," Charidy Wright, ISU student in
educational leadership and policy studies, Gold Room, Memorial Union.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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