March 1, 2002
Summer hours likely again
Based on last summer's experience of warm offices and this year's ongoing
budget pressures and energy conservation efforts, university administrators
are encouraging unit heads again to consider setting summer office hours.
The goal is to provide some heat relief for employees, said vice president
for business and finance Warren Madden.
"As thermostats are turned up (to an average 78 degrees F) to save air
conditioning costs, it makes sense to get people out of the office in late
afternoon, when temperatures are highest," Madden said. He noted that
facilities staff will work with researchers to accommodate specific
environmental requests for their research programs.
Summer hours at Iowa State will be in effect from Monday, May 13, through
Friday, Aug. 16. Summer hours generally run from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a
shortened lunch break, Madden said, "but units need to adjust work
schedules, as needed, to take care of business."
A prime example of taking care of business this summer will be serving
summer orientation participants. This year, orientation runs from May 20
through June 28, and during those weeks, numerous offices need to be open
and staffed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. These include college advising offices,
financial aid, student answer center, registrar, student e-mail accounts,
student counseling, residence department, dean of students and student
health center, among others. Units that are considering summer hours need to
maintain a level of service that still lets new students and their family
members complete their business during the orientation visits, Madden said.
Other offices that provide critical services need to be open to serve
clients "on a reasonable basis," he said. This may necessitate different
hours during certain parts of the summer.
Units should develop their own schedules and receive approval from their
deans or directors. Madden urged those working in offices that close early
this summer to leave information on office phone recordings and Web pages
that clients can use in emergencies.
Terms of the collective bargaining agreement, as they relate to covered
employees, must be followed, he noted.
University still in energy-saving mode
University officials hope to save at least $1 million in FY2003 through an
ambitious energy-conservation plan. Energy savings will help the university
cope with anticipated budget reductions.
Facilities staff will continue inspections of campus buildings in May and
June, developing conservation plans for each building. Summer work schedules
in the buildings will be factored into the plans, Madden said.
In addition to energy savings, Madden noted these benefits to summer hours:
- Summer classes begin at 7:30 a.m., so it may be more convenient for
offices to tie their schedules to the student class schedule.
- Flexible schedules, including summer hours, may help spread out ISU
commuter traffic, lessening some road repair slow-downs around campus and
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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