March 1, 2002
Barjche performances open March 8
Photo by Vernon Windsor |
Barjche ("Bar-SHAY"), the annual dance concert offered by the ISU dance
group Orchesis I, will include four performances this year. Performances
begin at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 8, and Saturday, March 9, and at 2 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, March 10, all in Fisher Theater. Tickets ($6) are on
sale at the Stephens box office.
More than 50 dancers from Orchesis I, including a record number of student
choreographers, will share their talent and love of dance. Performances will
combine high energy with grace, emotion and athleticism.
Several dance faculty members also will participate. Janice Baker has
choreographed a tribute to the spirits of the victims of Sept. 11 in
Embracing Sorrow. Faculty member Vernon Windsor explores the
intricateness of the human psyche in Through the Door.
This year's guest artist is nationally known choreographer and dancer Bill
Evans. Originally from Utah, Evans has directed his own touring company for
years and is on the dance faculty at the University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque. Evans previously performed in Barjche 1986.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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