March 1, 2002
Theme celebration awards to be given
Nominations are sought for student, faculty and staff awards that will be
given as part of Iowa State's Challenging Students to Become their Best
Nomination forms will be available at the Challenging Students Web page,
http://www.iastate.edu/~saff/challenge, and are due March 20. Faculty, staff
and students can submit nominations. A brief essay is required for each
award category.
There are three awards:
The Outstanding Challengers award will recognize faculty, staff or students
whose interactions with students have consistently challenged and inspired
students to become their best.
The Above and Beyond award will recognize undergraduate students who have
achieved unusual accomplishments that demonstrate commitment to excellence
in academics, leadership or service.
The Unsung Heroes award will recognize students who work "behind the scenes"
to assist others, achieve their personal best or overcome an obstacle.
Award winners will be announced at a recognition ceremony during Veishea
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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