March 1, 2002
March 14 conference: Learning in wireless environment
"Discovery-Based Learning in a Wireless Environment" is the topic of a March
14 conference in the Instructional Technology Center. The conference (9 a.m.
to noon) includes three sessions: a talk by one of the developers of the
first wireless educational communities in the nation, a discussion of
wireless computing at Iowa State and a demonstration of what can be done in
wireless classrooms. Participants may attend any or all of the sessions.
Registration is encouraged. For more information see
Cholesterol screening offered through March 9
Cholesterol screening will be offered at the Thielen Student Health Center
six days a week from Feb. 25 to March 9 during regular health center hours.
The cost is $9 to anyone in the campus community; a 12-hour fast (water
only) is required. Call Brian Dunn, 4-2722, for more information.
Lowe's purchases will need ISU purchasing card
Effective March 1, all purchases at Lowe's Home Centers must be made with an
ISU purchasing card. General contract orders (B2-XXXXX-XX) and payment
authorization vouchers (PAVs) no longer will be allowed.
Another procurement option is ISU Central Stores, which offers a wide
selection of in-stock items, and a customer service that will place and
deliver Lowe's orders for you. Contact the Central Stores customer service
desk, 4-8484, for more information.
For more information about the ISU purchasing card, contact Lesley Lackore,
4-4589, e-mail:
llackore@iastate.edu, or visit the purchasing card Web site,
Who's eligible for early retirement program
ISU's current early retirement incentive program expires June 30. If you're
eligible for early retirement as of that date, you have two extra years
(until June 30, 2004) to apply for the program. You're eligible for early
retirement under the current plan if you are at least 57 years old and have
at least 15 years of service by June 30, 2002.
However, early retirement is subject to approval by unit supervisors, who
may set additional guidelines for determining whether to grant early
retirement requests. Those guidelines may be based, for example, on a unit's
program priorities or budget situation. The unit's guidelines may change
over time, as priorities and budgets change.
ISU conference on race, ethnicity is March 1
The third annual ISCORE (Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity) will
be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 1, in the ISU Memorial Union. It
features more than 30 concurrent sessions developed by a team that attended
this year's NSCORE (National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher
Education). Staff, students and faculty are welcome. Registration opens at
7:30 a.m. For more information, call 4-6338.
Student challenge will result in job swap for some
Six ISU administrators will switch spots with six students this spring or
fall as part of a promotion of Academic Success Week, March 4-7. Iowa
State's Academic Success Center is challenging students to set a personal
GPA goal and strategies they'll use to achieve it. The goal is to get 5,000
students to participate. The names of all who do will go into a drawing and
on March 8 six students will be selected to switch places for at least part
of a day with President Gregory Geoffroy, vice president for external
affairs Ben Allen, vice president for student affairs Tom Hill, provost
Rollin Richmond, vice provost for undergraduate programs Howard Shapiro and
College of Agriculture dean Catherine Wotecki.
Course in van driving offered
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has issued a cautionary
warning to users of 15-passenger vans because of an increased rollover risk
under certain conditions. ISU Transportation Services will offer a course to
help drivers handle 15-passenger vans. The instructor is from the
Iowa-Illinois Safety Council and the course is open to faculty, staff and
students. It will be taught from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday, March 7, in Room 8,
Fire Service Training Bureau, Haber Road. The cost is $20, payable by
intramural to Transportation Services. Call 4-3414 to register.
T.A. Wilson lecture is March 12
Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at the NASA/Langley Research Center in
Virginia, will present the biannual T.A. Wilson lecture at 8 p.m. Tuesday,
March 12, in the Howe Hall auditorium. His talk is titled, "Futures of
Civilian Aeronautics and Space -- Frontiers of the Responsibly Imaginable."
A reception will follow his lecture. For more information, call Ping Lu,
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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