February 15, 2002
President's Concert is March 3 in Minneapolis
About 200 Iowa State music students head to downtown Minneapolis next month
for a special performance at Orchestra Hall. The "President's Concert" at 3
p.m. Sunday, March 3, is intended to celebrate the arrival last summer of
Gregory Geoffroy as the university's 14th president.
Joining the 70-voice Iowa State Singers, the 60-piece ISU Wind Ensemble and
the 75-piece ISU Symphony Orchestra will be the music department's
artist-in-residence, Simon Estes.
This is Iowa State's first trip to Orchestra Hall. The program will feature
choral music spanning five centuries and instrumental music that includes
Copland's Billy the Kid Suite and "Die Frist ist um" from Wagner's
The Flying Dutchman.
Concert tickets are $10 and may be purchased through the Orchestra Hall box
office, 800-292-4141, 1111 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, Minn., 55403. An ISU
alumni and friends reception will begin at 1:30 p.m. that afternoon, also at
Orchestra Hall.
Tickets for the reception and concert are $18 and must be purchased through
the LAS College, 213 Catt, 4-7742. Checks should be made to the ISU Alumni
Association. Reception tickets will not be sold at Orchestra Hall.
More information on the concert is available on the music department's Web
http://www.music.iastate.edu, or by calling 4-2080.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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