February 15, 2002
President revamps assistant position; search begins
by Diana Pounds
An internal search is under way for an assistant to the president for
external relations and executive administration.
The position will be one of three existing presidential assistant positions
in the president's office and has been recast to accommodate changes that
will occur July 1, when there is no longer a vice president for external
affairs. President Gregory Geoffroy announced last month that as part of
budget-cutting measures, the VP position will not be filled.
As a result, the president's office will assume responsibilities for several
external affairs offices -- Alumni Association, Athletics, ISU Foundation,
Marketing and University Relations.
Duties of the assistant to the president for external relations and
executive administration will include working on strategic initiatives;
coordinating issues and activities associated with external relations units;
serving as adviser on university policy and issues; and representing the
president in forums.
The position is open to current ISU faculty and Professional and Scientific
staff, and qualifications include five years of employment at a university,
an advanced degree, administrative experience and service on university-wide
committees. More information about the position and application process
(applications should be submitted by March 15) is on the employment
opportunities Web site at
Special assistant to the president Carol Bradley is chairing the search and
invites nominations for the position. Send nominations to Bradley at
Bradley, who has been at Iowa State for 14 years, has served as director of
state relations, and later, the Office of Governmental Relations. She will
leave the university this June.
The other two presidential assistants are Mark Chidister, assistant to the
president for budget planning and analysis; and Charles Dobbs, assistant to
the president for communications, policy management and events coordination.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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