February 1, 2002
Student affairs consolidates positions
by Steve Sullivan
The Office of Student Affairs will consolidate two administrative positions
and bring minority student programs, retention programs and academic support
services under one roof.
The positions of director of minority student affairs and associate dean of
students will be consolidated into one position. Searches for the two
positions will be closed. A search for the new position, to be called the
associate dean of students and director of minority student affairs, will be
launched soon.
Goal to serve students better
"The current budget situation played a part in this decision, but our main
goal is to better serve students by bringing together academic support
services, programs for minority students and programs that have a role in
the university's retention efforts," said Tom Hill, vice president for
student affairs. "We feel that this alignment will significantly strengthen
each department within the Dean of Students Office."
The changes will take place during spring semester and are expected to be
completed by mid-summer.
The Office of Minority Students Affairs will report to the new position.
Other units that will report to the position are the Academic Success
Center, a collection of units that provide various services, including
tutoring; and the federally funded Student Support Services Program, which
provides assistance for students who face challenges because of low-income
backgrounds or disabilities.
Natural partnerships
"We continually strive to strengthen the effective delivery of services to
students and this restructuring creates natural partnerships that allow us
to do so under the current budget conditions. This is an exciting
opportunity and we believe student success will be enhanced because of it,"
said Pete Englin, dean of students.
The Hixson Opportunity Awards and the Multicultural Vision Program, which
currently are part of enrollment services, also will report to the associate
dean of students and director of minority student affairs.
The Hixson Opportunity Awards program has provided renewable $2,500
scholarships to hundreds of students from Iowa who might not otherwise have
the opportunity to pursue a college degree.
The Multicultural Vision Program provides four-year, full-tuition
scholarships to minority students in Iowa. Debra Sanborn coordinates both
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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