February 1, 2002
Regents OK 'free speech' policy
by Anne Krapfl
During its Jan. 16 meeting, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa:
- Approved a new ISU policy on public use of campus facilities that
provides freer access to facilities and reverses the previous presumption
that university grounds and buildings are closed to uses other than those
approved by the university. The policy notes public uses should not conflict
with university events and outlines areas generally not open to the public,
such as research labs, utility and mechanical rooms, intercollegiate
athletic competition sites and food preparation areas.
- Approved a new name for Hawthorn Court, the student apartment
neighborhood on the north side of campus. It will be renamed for Charles
Frederiksen, director of the residence department from 1967 to
Construction requests
The regents also approved numerous campus construction requests. They
- Project planning for an indoor, multi-purpose athletic facility.
The proposed building would contain a regulation-size football field for
indoor practice, with a portable floor that would allow it to be used for
university and community events for up to 6,000 people. The estimated cost
is $9 million, anticipated to be private gifts.
- Project planning for a remodel at the Memorial Union that would connect
all floors to the parking ramp, create new corridors to the Sun Room and
South Ballroom, renovate first-floor public spaces and, possibly, expand the
bookstore's space and extend indoor food court seating over the west
terrace. Estimated cost is $5 million to $9 million, with funding from
designated tuition, occupant rental fees and possibly some university
- The budget ($2.96 million) and design of a plan to expand and add
parking lots around Jack Trice Stadium. Funding source is parking and event
- Schematic design for a biosecurity facility (biosafety level 2) at the
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Veterinary Medicine campus. Project
includes a building addition and remodeling of some existing animal
containment areas. Project cost is $3.1 million; source is state building
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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