February 1, 2002
Music business gets a look
Technological changes in the music business over the past decade, including
the growth of the Internet, have prompted questions about artistic control,
censorship and the future of the industry. This year's Institute on National
Affairs will take a look at "The Business of Music in America" through a
series of lectures and a panel discussion.
The keynote address on "Rap, Race and Reality" will be presented by Chuck D,
leader and co-founder of the rap group Public Enemy. Chuck D, who began
redefining rap music and hip hop culture in 1987, hosted his own segment on
the Fox News Channel, works with the non-profit organizations MusicCares and
Rock The Vote, and started the record label Slamjamz. He also is the author
of Fight the Power. His lecture will begin at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5, in
Stephens Auditorium.
Other lecturers will include Jeffrey Vallier, Ames native, ISU graduate and
senior engineer in the research and development division of the Gibson
Guitar Corp. Vallier is working to develop a standard for transmitting
quality audio over Ethernet cable. He will speak on "Technical Innovation in
Popular Music" at noon Wednesday, Feb. 6, in the Memorial Union Sun Room.
Carla DeSantis, editor of Rockrgrl magazine and Women Who Rock, will discuss
"Can Chicks Rock? Sexism in the Music Industry" at 8 p.m. Feb. 6 in the
Memorial Union Sun Room.
"The Business of Music: Making it in Iowa and Beyond" is the topic of a Feb.
7 panel. Discussing the music business will be Robb Vallier, a Los
Angeles-based music producer and Grammy nominee; and Dave Diebler and Barb
Schlif, a husband and wife team who formed the Iowa band House of Large
Sizes. Their discussion, moderated by Des Moines Register music critic Kyle
Munson, will begin at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7, in the Memorial Union Sun
Jeffrey and Robb Vallier are the sons of Iowa Staters Fred and Jane Vallier.
Fred is retired from the ISU faculty; Jane is a member of the English
Institute on National Affairs 2002
"The Business of Music in America"
Feb. 5-7, 4-9934
all events are free
Tuesday, February 5
- 8 p.m., Lecture, "Rap, Race and Reality," Chuck D, author of Fight
the Power: Rap Race and Reality, Stephens auditorium.
Wednesday, February 6
- Noon, Lecture, "Technical Innovation in Popular Music," Jeffrey
Vallier, Gibson Guitar Corp., Sun Room, Memorial Union.
- 8 p.m., Lecture, "Can Chicks Rock? Sexism in the Music Industry," Carla
Desantis, editor of Rockrgrl magazine, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
Thursday, February 7
- 8 p.m., Panel, "The Business of Music: Making it in Iowa and
Beyond," Robb Vallier, producer and composer; Dave Diebler and Barb Schlif,
husband and wife who formed the Iowa band, House of Large Sizes; moderator,
Kyle Munson, Des Moines Register music critic, Sun Room, Memorial
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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