February 1, 2002
Construction projects continue
by Anne Krapfl
If it impacts your parking lot or your hike to your building, you may be
aware of some construction projects. If your view is construction
fence-free, here's an update of what's happening -- or about to happen on
Carver Co-Lab. About 160 parking spots (general staff and commuter students)
in the lot north of the Communications Building have been gobbled up for
this project; about 30 of those will be reclaimed when the facility is
completed sometime in spring 2003. The construction hole continues to get
deeper. Planning has begun to try to replace, in the vicinity, some of the
lost parking space.
Gerdin Business Building. Construction fence is up at this site (southeast
corner of central campus) and excavation has begun. All but about four
reserved parking spots on the Union Drive hill east of the Memorial Union
have been removed to create an access for construction equipment. All but
about four vendor and departmental parking spots on the south side of Union
Drive also have been removed. Knoll Road from Union Drive north to the
parking lot behind Curtiss Hall will be closed for the duration of the
Gerdin construction project (anticipated completion date is November 2003).
Lot 49 (behind Curtiss Hall). The lot is torn up for another two to three
weeks for utilities work for the Gerdin Building. When it reopens, it will
be accessible only from the north (through an Osborn Drive gate and then
south on Knoll Road). The redone lot will not include vehicle access all the
way to Sloss House, as it used to. This lot contains 24-hour reserved and
disability stalls only.
Hoover Hall. Excavation began this week at the site, west of Marston Hall.
The concrete pad of what once was Exhibit Hall served as a temporary parking
lot for about 25 faculty and staff; they now have returned to general staff
lots. Building construction may close the driveway on the north side of
Black Engineering periodically. Marston Court, along the north side of the
site, will remain open and a temporary gravel road along the east side of
the site will provide vehicle access to Pearson and Black Engineering, when
needed. The project also will close Bissell Road for periods, including all
this summer, when a pedestrian bridge is constructed. When Bissell Road
reopens next fall, it will have one lane of traffic, not two, in each
direction. The intent is to slow vehicle traffic and improve pedestrian
safety on that side of campus. Hoover Hall is scheduled for completion in
December 2003.
Jischke Honors Building. The building, north of Curtiss Hall, still is
scheduled for completion in March. The Honors Program staff has indicated it
will stay in its temporary Pearson Hall space until the end of the semester.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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