February 1, 2002
Ag dean, Geoffroy to discuss food safety issues on
New dean of the College of Agriculture Catherine Woteki will join President
Gregory Geoffroy on WOI Radio's Talk of Iowa Wednesday,
Feb. 6. Woteki, a former under-secretary for food safety in the USDA, will
discuss issues related to food safety. The live, call-in program airs from
10 to 11 a.m. on AM 640. Listeners may pose a question during the show or
send an e-mail question in advance to
25-Year Club banquet set
The annual 25-Year Club banquet will be held Thursday, Feb. 21, in the
Scheman Building. A cash bar reception begins at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30
p.m. Tickets cost $19.50; contact Betty Licht, 4-3830. The list of this
year's honorees is online at:
Venture capital forum
Clare Fairfield, AAVIN Venture Capital (offices in Iowa and Minnesota), will
speak on "Seeking Capital" at noon Friday, Feb. 15, in the Memorial Union
Pioneer Room. His talk is part of the ISU Pappajohn Center's entrepreneur
forum series. Bring your lunch. For more information, call Katherine
Brogden, 6-6532.
Questions about the library's new photocopy card payment system (coming to
the library July 1) should be directed to David Gregory, associate director
for public services and collections,
djgregor@iastate.edu. Gregory's e-mail address was incorrect in the Jan.
18 Inside.
Senate seeks nominations
The Faculty Senate is seeking nominations for at-large positions in several
colleges. Nominations are due Tuesday, Feb. 5, in the senate office, 103 Lab
of Mechanics. For more information, call Max Porter,
4-7456, or Brad Thacker, 4-3837.
P&S Council seats open
The P&S Council is seeking nominations for 13 open seats.
Details and nomination forms are available online at:
http://www.iastate.edu/~ps_info/Elections.html. Nominations are due by 5
p.m. Friday, Feb. 22, to Kevin Kane,
215 Durham;
Black History Month marked
Black History Month will be celebrated Saturday, Feb. 2, in the Memorial
Union Sun Room. Events begin at 6 p.m. with hors d'oeuvres. At 7 p.m., the
Isiserettes Drill and Drum Corps, Des Moines, will perform, followed at 7:30
p.m. with a performance by comedian B. Cole. The event is free.
Babysitters list available
The YWCA babysitters list is available at 15 Alumni Hall. The list is $2 for
non-ISU students.
Call for proposals
The University Computation Advisory Committee seeks proposals for
information technology-based instructional support for students. Proposals
must be connected to an administrative unit of the university and are due to
deans by March 1.
Training offered
The Nonprofit Management Institute, sponsored by Iowa State and the United
Way, offers training in various areas related to the nonprofit sector.
Participants can earn a continuing education certificate. The third Des
Moines institute starts in July and the first Sioux City institute begins in
April. For more information or registration form, contact Tim Borich,
4-0220; Krishna Das,
(515) 471-8650 or (319) 337-2145; or Karen Good, 1-800-262-0015.
ITC offers workshops
Instructional Technology Center workshops and seminars are open for
enrollment on the ISU AccessPlus system:
http://www.itc.iastate.edu/instrdev/seminars.html. ITC workshops are
open to faculty, instructional staff and teaching assistants for both credit
and non-credit activities. For more information, call Allan Schmidt, 4-8022.
Stem cell research discussed
"Stem Cell Research at Iowa State University" will be examined by Don
Sakaguchi, zoology and genetics, and Surya Mallapragada, chemical
engineering, at noon Tuesday, Feb. 5, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. At
noon on Monday, Feb. 11, Robert Streiffer, University of Wisconsin, will
discuss "Ethical Issues Surrounding Stem Cell Research" in the Memorial
Union Pioneer Room.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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