January 18, 2002
Parking ramp, deck are part of permit proposal
by Steve Sullivan
Iowa State officials are considering a proposal to significantly enhance
parking for faculty, staff and students.
The proposal, which would require approval by the Board of Regents, State of
Iowa, would be funded with an existing $1 million fund and phased increases
for parking fees. The proposal involves three projects: new and renovated
student parking around Jack Trice Stadium; a parking deck over an existing
university lot and a multi-level parking garage.
The estimated cost of the three projects is $12.5 million. The project would
be funded by revenue from parking permit fees, parking fines and special
events. Other university departments, including athletics, also would
provide funding.
Under the proposal, all categories of permits would rise incrementally each
year for three years. After three years, parking permit fees would see only
inflationary increases.
If approved, the increases would go into effect for the 2002-03 academic
year. Work on the lots near the stadium would begin this summer and could be
completed by fall.
Over the last five years, the parking division has created a $1 million fund
to improve parking. But the parking needs on campus have changed
dramatically during that time, said Doug Houghton, parking manager.
Five years ago, an estimated 45 percent of Iowa State students brought cars
to campus. Enrollment has increased substantially, and now Houghton
estimates that 65 percent of students bring cars to campus.
The stadium plan would add an estimated 645 spaces in new and renovated lots
around the stadium and would relieve the student parking crunch. This
project would cost an estimated $3 million, funded by the increase in
student parking fees.
Plans for the parking deck and multi-level garage, including potential
locations, still are being discussed. The deck would add an estimated 160
spaces, while the multi-level facility would add 450 to 500. The projects
would cost approximately $9.5 million and be funded by increased faculty and
staff parking fees, and pay-by-hour parking within the facilities.
The three-pronged proposal has been discussed with university officials and
student leaders, and will be presented formally to campus organizations. It
could be presented to the board of regents this spring.
Proposed permit increases
Permit type | Current |
Annual increase |
General staff | $59 |
$15 |
Reserved | $295 |
$25 |
24-hr reserved | $590 |
$25 |
Student | $42 |
$15 |
Student (stadium) | $42 |
$5 |
Motorcycle | $20 |
$5 |
Vendor | $89 |
$15 |
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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