January 18, 2002
Plan ahead: Library copy card to be replaced in July
On July 1, the ISU Library will discontinue use of its library copy card,
both individual (gold) and departmental (red) versions, and implement a new
card payment system, including new card readers. More information on the new
system will be shared later this semester.
Library officials want library users to know in advance that:
- The cash value on their existing library copy cards expires June
- Cash values can't be transferred from existing cards to the new cards.
Library copy card users are advised to add only as much value to their cards
as they can spend by June 30. Recognizing that some users already have
placed more value on their cards than they can use in six months, the
library will, upon request, transfer card balances of at least $20 to an ISU
departmental (for red cards) or individual (for gold cards) account. There
will be no cash refunds. Copy card users who want to transfer card value
- Make their request, in person, between Feb. 4 and May 10 in the
business services office, 105 Parks Library. Bring your card with you.
- Fill out the form available in 105 Parks Library or online (from the
e-Library homepage, go to "copy card will change").
At the time of transfer, cards will be returned to users, if desired, for
use through June 30. But only one transfer request per card will be allowed.
Questions about the new card system may be directed to David Gregory,
associate director for public services and collections,
djgregor@iastate.edu; questions about transferring card values may be
directed to business manager Shelley Hawkins,
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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