January 18, 2002
King observance continues today on campus
by Linda Charles
Martin Luther King Jr. will be remembered on campus during a musical
celebration beginning at noon Friday, Jan. 18, in the Memorial Union Sun
Room. The Point of Grace Choir, Ames, and members of the ISU Chamber Choir
will perform. There also will be a dramatic reading by the World Theatre
Group, and remarks by President Gregory Geoffroy, Government of the Student
Body President Andy Tofilon and Black Student Alliance President Robert
Price. A reception will follow; birthday cake will be served.
King's birthday is Jan. 15. If he were alive today, he would be 73 years old
this year. He was assassinated April 4, 1968, in Memphis by James Earl Ray.
A community interfaith worship service will be held at 6:30 p.m. Sunday,
Jan. 20, at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 416 20th St.
The King celebration will conclude with a lecture by Jamal-Harrison Bryant
on "Living with a Purpose," at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 23, in the Memorial
Union Sun Room. Bryant directed the youth and college division of the NAACP,
where he led the "Stop the Violence, Start the Love" crusade. He hosts
Keepin' it Real, a Baltimore Sunday talk show, and co-hosts The
Larry Young Morning Show. He has appeared on CNN, C-Span and
Politically Incorrect.
Bryant has a master's of divinity from Duke University and is pastor of an
African Methodist Episcopal Church.
University offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 21, in observance of the
Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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