January 18, 2002
Geoffroy's tour of Iowa continues this semester
by John McCarroll
Who at Iowa State takes a tractor ride, faces tough questions from newspaper
editors, recruits high school students, speaks to a Rotary club, meets with
legislators and greets alumni and friends all in one day?
President Gregory Geoffroy.
Those are just some of the activities that fill Geoffroy's 10 community
visits this year as he gets acquainted with Iowa and Iowans get to know him.
"These visits are extremely valuable to me as I get to meet many of the
enthusiastic Iowa State alumni and friends, community leaders, journalists,
business leaders and high school students who are thinking about attending
Iowa State," Geoffroy said.
To date, Geoffroy has visited Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Sioux City and
Waterloo. In the next four months he will visit at least six other
communities: Iowa City (Feb. 7), Council Bluffs (Feb. 14), Davenport (March
4), Ottumwa (March 11), Dubuque (April 9) and Mason City (May 6).
During the visits to Waterloo and Cedar Rapids, officials of John Deere and
Rockwell Avionics showed Geoffroy how their relationships with Iowa State
have benefited both their companies and Iowa State students.
"I saw our graduates conducting valuable research and development work, and
learned from both companies what skills they are looking for as they
consider hiring Iowa State students," Geoffroy said.
In his speeches to Rotary clubs, Geoffroy emphasizes Iowa State's role in
the economic development of Iowa. That role is three-part: educating
students, discovering new knowledge and applying that knowledge to improve
life in Iowa and elsewhere.
The first person to greet Geoffroy when he arrives in a community in the
morning usually is the ISU Extension area director, who drives Geoffroy to
many of his stops. Hours later, the visit ends with a reception sponsored by
the ISU Alumni Association.
"What a way to end the day," Geoffroy said. "No matter where I am, the room
is draped in cardinal and gold and it's full of alumni who really make me
feel at home."
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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