January 18, 2002
E-mail update to supplement Inside Iowa State
Faculty and staff soon will begin receiving a weekly e-mail update of
university news and announcements. Called Inside Update, the e-mail
will supplement this faculty-staff newspaper, which is printed every other
week during the academic year and less frequently during breaks and summer.
"The update will be a convenient way for faculty and staff to stay abreast
of announcements and for departments to get their news out to all
employees," said John McCarroll, director of university relations.
The e-mail update will be mailed Wednesday evenings, beginning next week,
and will be in employee in-boxes on Thursday mornings. (It will be similar
in format to the Chronicle of Higher Education e-mailers that many
faculty and staff receive.)
Faculty and staff news will continue to be updated daily on the university
Web site, with a couple of changes in those sites:
- The Today's News site
(http://www.iastate.edu/news/today) will
carry more news and features of interest to general audiences, including
employees, alumni, students, prospective students and their parents, Iowans
and others with an interest in Iowa State.
- News of interest only to ISU faculty and staff or students will be
moved from the Today's News page to two new Web pages -- faculty,
staff announcements and student announcements pages. These pages, available
from the Today's News page, will be updated frequently.
Submitting items for the update
Departments are encouraged to submit announcements of general interest to
faculty and staff to Inside Update. Keep items to one paragraph. Add
a Web page's URL if you'd like to refer readers to more information. Send to
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.