January 18, 2002
Building the ISU budget is forum topic
by Anne Krapfl
Assistant provost Ellen Rasmussen and assistant to the president (budget
planning and analysis) Mark Chidister responded to questions during a Jan. 3
noon forum on the FY03 budget planning process.
Chidister said President Gregory Geoffroy and the president's Task Force on
Strategic Effectiveness and Budget Priorities are studying two budgetcutting
scenarios at this time. Because the 4.3 percent deappropriation in the
current fiscal year is being covered by one-time adjustments and cuts, that
money still must be removed from the FY03 budget. The reduction in state
funding for the year that begins July 1 won't be known until the Legislature
adjourns in late spring, but campus leaders and task force members are
working with 6 percent and 8 percent scenarios, or cumulative losses of 10.3
percent and 12.3 percent.
When two other factors are considered mandatory cost increases and
anticipated new revenues next year the potential shortfalls for Iowa
State's FY03 operating budget could be $12.8 million or $17.9 million, under
the two scenarios. Chidister said the targeted budget reduction is $16.5
million, a little less than the current worst-case scenario and about 6
percent of the state's appropriation to the university's operating budget.
Rasmussen noted that, rather than "cut X percent," leaders at all levels are
being asked to plan broadly and strategically for ways to align resources
with programs.
The provost and three vice presidents will send their divisions' strategic
plans to Geoffroy and the task force by Feb. 1. The task force's response
and recommendations to Geoffroy are due March 1. Geoffroy won't make firm
decisions until the Legislature adjourns and the university knows what its
state appropriation is for FY03.
The forum was sponsored by the Professional and Scientific Council and is
available in a streaming media file from the council's Web site,
http://www.iastate.edu/~ps_info/nov01openforum.html. The complete
version of this story, including a Q&A, also is online at:
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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