January 18, 2002
Conference to update staff on financial aid
Faculty and staff will get an update on financial aid procedures and program
changes at the annual Student Financial Aid mini-conference Thursday, Jan.
31, in the Memorial Union Gallery. The half-day conference (8:15 a.m. to
noon) will be particularly useful to academic advisers and student services
staff. There is no fee but registration is requested. Complete and mail the
form at:
Honors proposals due Feb. 16
Proposals for Honors seminars for 2002-2003 are due Feb. 16. Honors seminars
are for Honors students and look at topics of current or special interest.
These one- or two-credit seminars are offered on a satisfactory-fail basis.
The Honors Program allocates $500 to instructor(s) for professional
development. Proposals should be sent to the Honors Office, 112 Pearson. For
more information, call 4-4371.
Veishea 2002 dates
Veishea 2002 will be held April 19-21, three weeks prior to graduation
weekend, May 10-11.
State science fair entries due March 11
The 2002 State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa, the only statewide
science fair for middle and high school students, will be held April 9-10 in
Hilton Coliseum. Entry forms are due March 11. Projects are divided into
physical and biological science categories. To request an entry booklet,
contact Andrea Spencer, 712-359-2437;
spencer2@netins.net; or visit the SSTFI Web site,
9.11 tons of phonebooks recycled
Iowa State employees sent 9.11 tons of used phonebooks to a paper recycler
last month. That's a little less than last year's record 9.76 tons, but
campus recyclers believe people are ordering fewer phonebooks in an attempt
to waste less. Eighteen volunteers, including eight ISU staff members,
collected books from 75 locations on Dec. 8.
Energy saving gets December boost
The latest campus energy conservation numbers show approximately $150,000 in
energy savings for December and a seven-month total of nearly $932,000. Mild
weather helped the cause, but utilities director Dave Miller said faculty
and staff efforts to turn off lights and equipment and hold thermostats at
recommended settings are important.
Miller said ISU saw a savings of about $1,200 a day just in electricity
costs from Dec. 22 to Jan. 1, when employees were encouraged to take time
off. The university goal is to save $1.5 million in energy costs this fiscal
Finnish choir to perform
The Sibelius High School Chamber Choir, Finland, will perform with the Iowa
State Singers at 12:10 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 22, in the Tye Recital Hall, Music
Building. The concert is free. The choir's conductor, Marjukka Riihimaki,
will present a lecture on "Music and Music Education in Finland" at 7:30
p.m. Monday, Jan. 21, in 130 Music. The Sibelius choir was chosen by
Finland's Broadcasting as youth "choir of the year." The choir also will
perform at the Collegiate United Methodist Church, 2622 W. Lincoln Way, at
7:30 p.m. Jan. 22.
Ag forum March 1
The Agricultural Forum 2002 will be held March 1 in the Scheman Building.
The forum will explore international trade agreements and their impact on
farm programs in the United States and key developing and developed nations.
Forum details will be posted online as they become available at: http://www.agforum.org. For more
information, call 4-6257.
Catt Center lecture is Jan. 30
Former Missouri state senator and lieutenant governor Harriett Woods is the
spring 2002 holder of the Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics.
Woods will present a public lecture, "Stepping Up to Power: The Political
Journey of American Women" (also the title of her 2001 book), at 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 30, in the Memorial Union Sun Room.
Farrell-Beck book signing is Jan. 30
Jane Farrell-Beck, textiles and clothing, will sign copies of her new book,
Uplift: The Bra In America, from 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, in
the Fireplace Room, Parks Library. Farrell-Beck's co-author, Colleen Gau,
also will attend. The University Book Store is selling the book, which
focuses on the social history of women and the bra's business history.
- James Roth, distinguished professor of veterinary microbiology and
preventive medicine, to assistant dean for international programs in the
College of Veterinary Medicine, for a three-year term.
- Claire Andreasen, associate professor of veterinary pathology, to chair
of the department of veterinary pathology and director of the veterinary
clinical pathology laboratory, for a three-year term.
- Terry Wipf, professor of structural engineering, as the first Pitt-Des
Moines Inc. endowed professor in civil engineering. The professorship was
set up last August with a $1 million gift to the university in honor of one
of Pitt-Des Moines' founders, William Jackson, an 1891 graduate of Iowa
- Karen Zunkel, manager of Engineering undergraduate programs, to director
of the Program for Women in Science and Engineering, since Jan. 7.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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