November 30, 2001
Snow? Here's what you should know
Here's the scoop on university procedures in the event of severe winter
Cancellations, closings. Check the ISU Web site for complete information on
class cancellations or university office closings. This information is
distributed to the Associated Press and central Iowa, Cedar Rapids and
Waterloo media. Even if classes are cancelled, university offices may remain
open. (Sometimes, media have announced that "Iowa State University is
closed" when only classes have been cancelled.)
If you can't report to work. Employees who can't report to work due to bad
weather should promptly notify their supervisors. Employees can ask to make
up compensatory time within the work period, take vacation pay or take leave
without pay.
When offices are closed. Some staff members whose jobs are vital to the
university's daily operations may be required to work. Those areas include
food service, security, power plant, animal care or snow removal. Other
faculty and staff can choose to:
- Use compensatory time, vacation or leave without pay to make up work
- Make up the lost time within the same work week.
- Work regularly scheduled hours even though the university may be closed.
Staff members covered by collective bargaining agreements should refer to
the appropriate sections of the contract governing severe weather
Winter weather FAQ. More information on winter weather policies is available
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.