November 30, 2001
Tuition hike, stadium parking receive regents approval
by Anne Krapfl
During its meeting Nov. 14-15 in Cedar Falls, the Board of Regents, State of
Iowa, approved an 18.5 percent tuition increase for the 2002-03 academic
year (9.5 percent inflationary adjustment and 9.0 percent increase to
improve quality in order to achieve strategic plan goals). Student regent
Lisa Ahrens, of Iowa State, cast the lone dissenting vote against the
For in-state undergraduates, tuition and fees will rise $668, to $4,110 for
two semesters. Out-of-state undergraduates will pay $12,802 next year, an
increase of $2,026. .
In other action, the regents gave Iowa State the green light to begin
planning for a $5 million parking project at Jack Trice Stadium. The
university plans to add three lots (442 additional spots), repave four
others, triple the size of the lot just east of the Jacobson/Olsen complex
and extend Stadium Drive from South 16th Street up to South Fourth Street,
paralleling Elwood Drive. The funding source is parking and event revenues.
The additional lots are intended to better serve football fans, visitors to
Reiman Gardens and ISU students living in residence halls who bring their
cars to school. .
Hamilton Hall renovation
The regents also approved a budget ($2 million) and schematic design for a
renovation in Hamilton Hall, home to the Greenlee School of Journalism. The
proposed work is phase 1 of a master plan for the building. The work
includes remodeling about 9,000 square feet on two floors, replacing the
roof, repairing windows and making improvements to the building's technology
As part of several months of planning, the regents approved a set of
"principles" that regents institutions will use to develop new early
retirement programs. The current early retirement incentive expires June 30,
2002. President Gregory Geoffroy indicated last month he will extend the
option, for those who qualify on June 30, 2002, for two years. But each
school still must develop a new plan. The approved principles are:
- Comply with governing law.
- Be designed as a voluntary window incentive program requiring
administrative approval and be distinguished from other retirement programs.
- Be independently designed to allow each institution flexibility to meet
its strategic goals and human resource needs.
- Be advantageous to each institution's programmatic, economic and human
resource perspective.
- Offer economic benefits to employee participants.
- Be evaluated periodically to assure that the program accomplishes its
intended objective.
The regents' next meeting is Dec. 12-13 in West Des Moines.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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