November 30, 2001
Services relocated after photo unit closes
by Anne Krapfl
Although ISU Photo Service closed Nov. 16, many of the services it offered
have been transferred to other campus units for use by the university
community. Here's a quick summary of what's available.
- Film, photo supplies and film processing. The University Book Store,
Memorial Union, will stock most of the film varieties and photography
supplies that Photo Service used to sell. These items are for sale on the
store's lower level, near the art supplies. Film processing, actually done
by local businesses, will be offered from the bookstore's photo counter.
Color print film will continue to have same-day and next-day processing
- Photography on-location and studio 2-D or 3-D. ISU photographer Bob
Elbert has been retained by University Relations as the university's
photographer. Schedule appointments with Elbert by calling 4-4053. The
hourly fee has been reduced.
- Portrait photography, photo copy work, digital imaging. Photo
technician Grant Steinfeldt has been retained by the Instructional
Technology Center and will continue to spend part of his time on these
services. To schedule appointments with him, call
4-8022 (Steinfeldt ITC).
- ISU photo archive. The ISU photo archive will be maintained by the
Instructional Technology Center; images will continue to be available to the
university community. ITC plans to announce, by early January, a reduced
user fee schedule for images in the archive. The university's historical
archive remains at Parks Library.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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