November 30, 2001
Kwanzaa celebration is Dec. 8
Iowa State's fifth annual Kwanzaa celebration will begin at 2 p.m. Saturday,
Dec. 8, in Fisher Theater. The family event features dance, song and
readings that focus on the seven principles of Kwanzaa: unity,
self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative
economics, purpose, creativity and faith. Special guest performers are the
Isiserettes Drill and Drum Corps of Des Moines. Admission is free.
Geoffroy on Iowa Press next month
President Gregory Geoffroy will be a guest on Iowa Public Television's
Iowa Press the weekend of Dec. 7-9. The 30-minute program airs
Friday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m. and is rebroadcast at noon Sunday, Dec. 9.
Honors students' poster presentation is Dec. 4
The university community is invited to the Fall 2001 poster presentation of
graduating Honors students' Honors projects from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday,
Dec. 4, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Refreshments will be served.
Phonebook recycling pick-up is Dec. 8
The ISU Recycling Committee reminds the university community that old
phonebooks will be picked up from 75 outdoor building sites Saturday
morning, Dec. 8. Employees are asked to help building custodians get boxes
of used phonebooks out to the building loading dock or other designated
location by the end of the day Friday, Dec. 7. A complete list of pick-up
sites is online at
http://www.fpm.iastate.edu/recycling/2001phonebook.asp. For more
information, contact Gloria Erickson, 4-7977.
Poinsettia sale will benefit Reiman Gardens
Poinsettias pink, salmon, red, white and the winter rose plant will be
sold from noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 11, in the Mahlstede Building. Prices
vary by size. For more information, call 4-2710.
Science Bowl seeks volunteers
Volunteers from scientific and engineering disciplines are needed to assist
at the annual Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University High School Science Bowl
Saturday, Jan. 26, 2002, in the Memorial Union. Volunteers serve as judges,
timekeepers and scorekeepers in the quiz bowl-style competition of 48
student teams from around the state. Volunteers receive an event T-shirt,
lunch and parking in the Union ramp that day. Contact Saren Johnston,
Victorian holiday at the Farm House
A Victorian holiday will be celebrated at the Farm House Museum during
December. The historic home will be decorated with 19th-century toys, glass
ornaments and evergreen and feather trees. Sundays will feature craft
activities for children, holiday carols and Victorian treats. Special Sunday
events include:
- Dec. 2, have your family's picture taken in front of the fireplace
or holiday tree and make a frame to take home ($5 photographer fee).
- Dec. 9, Ames Children's Chamber Choir performance and tree ornament
- Dec. 16, horse-drawn carriage rides on campus, provided by the Block
and Bridle Club.
The Farm House Museum will be closed from Dec. 21 to Jan. 4, 2002.
Lunch with Cyclone basketball coaches in December
Cyclone head women's basketball coach Bill Fennelly will host his next
faculty-staff lunch at noon Monday, Dec. 10, in the Memorial Union Sun Room.
Head men's basketball coach Larry Eustachy will host his next lunch at noon
Thursday, Dec. 13, also in the Sun Room. Bring or buy your lunch and visit
with the coaches about the 2001-02 season.
Holiday choral festival is Dec. 2
The annual ISU Holiday Choral Festival, featuring more than 300 voices from
four Iowa State choirs, will begin at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 2, in Stephens
Auditorium. Performing will be the Iowa State Singers, the Iowa Statesmen,
Cantamus and Lyrica. Tickets are $9 ($5 for students) and are available at
TicketMaster locations, the Stephens ticket office and at the door.
Women reformers discussed
Susan Zaeske, University of Wisconsin, will present "Encountering Esther:
Rhetorical Appropriations of a Biblical Heroine" at noon Monday, Dec. 3, in
212 Ross. Her talk will look at the way women reformers used the biblical
story of Esther as a way to justify their participation in political debate.
Campus security is topic of December P&S forum
Rob Bowers, security program coordinator in the department of public safety,
will be the guest speaker at the P&S Council's Dec. 6 noon forum in the
Memorial Union Pioneer Room. Bowers will talk about the university's new key
card building entry system and security gates on campus and respond to
questions. The council's regular December meeting begins at 2 p.m. in the
same location.
Alumni Association nomination deadline Dec. 1
The deadline for submitting nominations for eight Alumni Association awards
is Dec. 1. Recipients will be recognized at an honors and awards banquet
Oct. 11, 2002, during ISU Homecoming festivities. Nomination forms and award
criteria are online at
http://www.isualum.org/programs_services/awards/nominate.html. For more
information, contact Pat Thiede, 4-9515.
Tea at The Knoll for ISU Women's Club
Kathy Geoffroy will host a holiday tea for members of the Iowa State
University Women's Club from 2 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 12, at The Knoll.
The refurbished home will be decorated for the occasion to honor the
100-year anniversary of the Knoll. Guests are encouraged to carpool and use
the Memorial Union parking ramp and limited on-street parking.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.