November 9, 2001
Free flu shots through Nov. 16
Next week is the last week for ISU employees to get free flu shots through
Occupational Medicine. Shot clinics will be held weekdays through Friday,
Nov. 16, in 108 Office and Laboratory Building. Clinic hours are 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. For more info, see
Volunteers needed for Ames Lab/ISU Science Bowl
Volunteers from scientific and engineering disciplines are sought for the
annual Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University High School Science Bowl on
Saturday, Jan. 26, 2002, in the Memorial Union. The quiz-bowl style
competition tests students' knowledge in science, math and engineering.
Volunteers will serve as moderators, judges, timekeepers and scorekeepers
and will receive an event T-shirt, lunch and parking in the Union ramp
during the event. To volunteer, contact Saren Johnston, 4-3474,
Recycle your phonebooks
The ISU Recycling Committee is coordinating the annual phonebook recycling
drive on campus. ISU, McLeod and USWest directories will be picked up from
75 campus sites on Saturday morning, Dec. 8; in the meantime, units and
buildings have set up inside drop boxes. Volunteers are needed on Dec. 8;
contact Gloria Erickson, 4-7977, if you can help. A list of building pick-up
sites is online at
The ISU community recycled 9.7 tons of phone books last fall.
Madrigal Dinner tickets on sale
Tickets for the 37th annual Madrigal Dinners Jan. 18-19, 2002, are on sale
now. Tickets for this 17th-century event in the Memorial Union Great Hall
may be ordered by mail from the ISU music department, at the Memorial Union
box office (after Dec. 3) or from TicketMaster locations. Tickets are $30,
with a $2 discount for ISU students, seniors and groups of 10 or more. For
more information, call the music department, 4-2810.
ISU employees surpass United Way goal
Through Nov. 1, ISU employees have pledged $227,704 to the local United Way
campaign. Those gifts are 102 percent of the university's $223,000 campaign
goal. Leading units, who hit 115 percent or higher of their respective
goals, are the College of Agriculture, the College of Design, the
President's Office and External Affairs.
25-Year Club banquet set
The 68th annual banquet of the ISU 25-Year Club will be held Thursday, Feb.
21, 2002, in the Scheman Building. The evening will begin with a social at
5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. and a program and awards.
Invitations to employees who have completed 25 years or 300 cumulative
months of employment by Dec. 31 will be mailed in late December.
If you think you're eligible for membership in the club, call 4-3830 or
visit the 25-Year Club Web site (under "Retirement Information and
Planning") to see if your name is included. Updates to the list are
appreciated as soon as possible.
Wreath workshop is Dec. 1
A holiday wreath workshop will be held in the Town & Country Hunziker Garden
Home at Reiman Gardens from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 1. A $25 fee
includes an 18-inch wreath frame and fresh evergreen. Paid registration is
required by Nov. 21. To register, stop by the garden; call Donna, 4-2710; or
send a check, payable to Wreath Workshop, to 1407 Elwood Dr., Ames,
Basketball coaches schedule fan lunches
Cyclone head women's basketball coach Bill Fennelly and head men's
basketball coach Larry Eustachy will host monthly lunch forums in the
Memorial Union again this season. Fennelly's first lunch is from noon to 1
p.m. Monday, Nov. 12, in the Great Hall; Eustachy's first is from noon to 1
p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15 in the Sun Room. Bring your lunch and your questions
on the 2001-02 season.
Solar car team announces naming contest
Team PrISUm, the solar car team, is holding a contest to name the next
(seventh) ISU solar car. Ideas are due by Jan. 1, 2002, and the winning name
will be announced by Feb. 1. A Team PrISUm T-shirt and commemorative plaque
will be awarded to the individual(s) who submits the winning name.
A form for submitting ideas is accessible online at
http://www.prisum.iastate.edu/contest.php. Contest participants are asked to briefly describe
why their name would be fitting for the car. Names for past cars include
Odyssey (2001), Phoenix (1999) and Excytor (1997).
Summer interns sought
The Program for Women in Science and Engineering (PWSE) is sponsoring a
summer internship program for women entering their senior year of high
During a six-week internship on campus, students are matched with ISU
scientists and engineers to gain hands-on research experience. The 2002
program dates are June 17-July 26. Interns will work 40 hours per week and
receive a $1,500 stipend. Applications are due Jan. 23, 2002. The number of
internships will depend on funding and available staff. The application is
on the PWSE Web site:
http://www.iastate.edu/~pwse_info, or by calling
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.