October 26, 2001
U.S. postal increases likely next fall
Budget planners across campus should be aware of proposed postal rate
increases for September 2002. The rate case was submitted to the independent
Postal Rate Commission last month and involves a 10-month review
Under the proposal, a first-class stamp would go up 8.8 percent to 37 cents.
Cost increases for nonprofit bulk mail classifications vary, ranging from
4.4 to 8.2 percent.
Mailing at presort and automation rates continues to be the lowest cost
option for bulk mailers on campus. Qualifying for these rates will be
increasingly important in controlling postage costs. Iowa State Printing
Services uses address software and equipment addresses are inked directly
onto mail pieces instead of affixing labels to help departments qualify for
these bulk rates.
Printing Services' 16-page Postal Update fact sheet will be revised when the
rate commission announces its final decision in mid-2002. Departments
already on the Printing Services customer list will receive the publication.
Call 4-3601 to be added to the list or to request a copy of the 2001 postal
fact sheet.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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