October 26, 2001
Regents pass naming policy for buildings
by Anne Krapfl
At its October meeting in Ames, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa,
approved a naming policy for buildings and facilities on the five regents
campuses. Under the policy, all names proposed for buildings, building
wings, colleges, programs and sections of campus must receive board approval
prior to naming. The exception is functional names, such as Art Building or
Business Hall. Also under the policy, employees must be either deceased or
away from the university for at least two years before the board will
approve a name honoring that individual.
The regents do not need to approve names for "minor" units such as rooms,
laboratories, open spaces, streets or structures.
In other action, the regents:
- Gave permission to begin planning for a new infectious disease research
facility (biosafety level 3) at the Vet Med campus. Estimated budget is $3.1
- Approved a revised building program for the renovation of first floor
Pearson Hall to house the Graduate College and Office of Sponsored Programs
(other proposed tenants were removed from list). Further work on this
project is on hold, pending a state budget de-appropriation.
- Reviewed proposed tuition and fees increases for the 2002-03 academic year.
Regents staff and the university presidents are advocating an 18.5 percent
increase (9.5 percent inflationary adjustment and 9.0 percent to improve
quality), while students seek a 15.5 percent increase. A decision is
expected at the regents November meeting.
- Deferred a decision on a proposed design, budget ($4.7 million) and
architectural agreement for the Extension 4-H Youth Building slated for the
southwest corner of the Stange Road-13th Street intersection. The regents
asked for some design changes.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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