October 12, 2001
Senate continues discussion on temporary faculty policy
by Debra Gibson
Whose policy is it, anyway?
That question resonated throughout a lengthy Faculty Senate discussion Oct.
9 regarding the proposed policy on non-tenure-track appointments at ISU.
Since last spring, the senate has debated the policy that would provide
longer employment opportunities to temporary faculty members (who currently
may only be employed for five years).
An earlier draft of the policy suggested caps regarding numbers of
non-tenure-track faculty be set at no more than 5 percent of the total
instruction within the institution, and no more than 15 percent of the total
instruction within any given department. Following recommendations made by
James Hutter, political science, those proposed caps were changed to 15
percent and 25 percent, respectively, as suggested by the American
Association of University Professors (AAUP).
But several faculty members expressed concern that segments of a university
policy are being shaped by an outside organization.
"We need to eliminate the AAUP reference, since these are ISU guidelines,"
said Palmer Holden, animal science. "I've never read the AAUP guidelines,
and probably only about 10 people here have read them."
"I absolutely disagree," Hutter countered. "This is saying to our
administration that there are AAUP guidelines on dealing with these faculty,
and we're saying we want to follow them. If you haven't read them [AAUP
guidelines], that's hardly a rationale for saying you know what you're
Holden's motion to strike the AAUP reference failed. Discussion continued
regarding concerns that ISU caps would need to change if AAUP guidelines
were revised. Gregory Palermo, architecture, motioned the AAUP reference be
amended to include "as of Oct. 9, 2001." The motion passed, and discussion
on the remaining proposed amendments was tabled until the November meeting.
In other business:
- The Senate agreed to work toward increased faculty involvement in
such campus areas as athletics, ISU Foundation and the Greek system.
- The Senate approved a resolution requesting no further reductions in the
number of tenure-line faculty.
- Tom Mitchell, ISU Foundation president, fielded questions regarding that
organization's operations.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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