October 12, 2001
Open change period for Merit staff under way
ISU Merit employees can change their benefits plans during the "open change
period" from Oct. 5 to Nov. 5. They can change medical and dental insurance
benefits as well as flexible spending accounts (health care and dependent
care). Information on benefits changes will be mailed to employees' office
addresses soon. For more benefits information, see the Benefits Office Web
site at
http://www.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/benefits/ or contact the office,
4-7680 or
benefits@iastate.edu. The open change period for faculty, P&S and
supervisory merit staff begins Nov. 5.
Workshop on making Web sites accessible
Web creators on campus are invited to a free workshop, "How to Make Your Web
Site Accessible" from 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30, in 236 Memorial Union.
Participants will learn easy ways to make Web sites accessible not only for
those with visual, hearing and mobility impairments, but for those using new
technologies, such as Web phones and palm pilots. To sign up for the free
class, see
Diversity office has new name
Iowa State's Affirmative Action office has changed its name to the Office of
Equal Opportunity and Diversity. The change went into effect following Board
of Regents, State of Iowa, approval Sept. 13. According to Carla Espinoza,
director of the office, the change is intended to better communicate the
duties and responsibilities of that office, and to more accurately reflect
university priorities and goals in the areas of diversity and access. Evie
Myers serves as associate director of the office, located in 101 Wallace
Road Office Building.
Walesa talk is Oct. 15
Lech Walesa, Poland's first democratically elected president and recipient
of the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize, will speak on leadership, democracy and
freedom at 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15, in Stephens Auditorium. His talk is free.
An electrician by training, Walesa headed the striking, but outlawed, labor
union, "Solidarity" in Gdansk.
Survey expert to give talk
Don Dillman, a rural sociologist at Washington State University, Pullman,
and pioneer in the development of modern survey methods, will present a
seminar, "Cars, Stamps, Telephone Dials and Hotlinks: Some Thoughts about 37
Years of Conducting Sample Surveys," at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19, in the
Memorial Union Sun Room. Dillman helped develop and popularize modern mail
and telephone survey methods and surveying via the Internet. He received
three degrees from ISU.
Tickets available to food prize presentation
The recipient of the 2001 World Food Prize, Per Pinstrup-Andersen of
Denmark, will receive the $250,000 prize during an award ceremony at 7 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 18, at the Des Moines Civic Center. Pinstrup-Petersen is the
director general of the International Food Policy Research Institute. This
year's celebration, the 15th anniversary of the World Food Prize, will honor
Iowan and Nobel Prize winner Norman Borlaug. ISU faculty, staff and students
can request (free) tickets to the event via e-mail. Send your name, mailing
address and number of tickets sought to Judith Pim, jpim@ruan.com. Tickets
will be mailed to you.
United Way drive at 67 percent of goal
Through Oct. 4, the Iowa State community had pledged $148,914 to the 2001
United Way campaign. That amount represents just under 67 percent of the
university's fund-raising goal of $223,000. While the official campus
campaign period ended Oct. 5; pledges will be accepted for several weeks
APHC coming to Stephens Auditorium
A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor will air live from
C.Y. Stephens Auditorium on Saturday, Feb. 23, 2002. WOI Radio will host the
production and station members will receive the first opportunity to
purchase tickets to the radio show. Tickets will go on sale to members
sometime in December and to the public after that; details will be announced
later this fall.
In Touch luncheon is Nov. 8
The ISU women's center's next "Women in Touch" luncheon on Thursday, Nov. 8,
will feature a talk by Amy Slagell, ISU English, on communication problems
titled, "The Art of Disagreeing Agreeable." The luncheon starts at noon in
the Memorial Union Sun Room. The cost is $12 and includes a soup and
croissant lunch. Registration is required and can be done online only at
http://www.iastate.edu/~mswc. For more information, call the women's center,
Free flu shots Oct. 29-Nov. 16
Free flu shots for faculty and staff will be offered by occupational
medicine staff weekdays from Oct. 29 through Nov. 16. The Centers for
Disease Control recommend immunizing high-risk individuals first;
occupational medicine staff suggest that those individuals visit the ISU
clinic during the first week. High-risk individuals include those who are 65
years or older, have chronic pulmonary or cardiac disorders or
immune-compromising disorders, pregnant women who will be in the second
trimester during influenza season, or health-care workers. For more
information on high-risk individuals, contact the Occupational Medicine
office, 4-0874. Clinics will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 205 Technical
and Administrative Services Facility (TASF). Limited parking is available in
front of the facility.
WOI Radio fund drive is Oct. 12-19
The WOI Radio group will hold its fall pledge drive Oct. 12-19. The group
includes WOI-AM and WOI-FM, Ames; and KTPR-FM, Fort Dodge. The stations'
goal is to surpass last fall's fund-raising drive, which collected $246,090
in pledges from listeners.
Meyer named to Ag communications post
Brian Meyer has been named interim director of the College of Agriculture
Communications Service. Meyer has worked as a communications specialist for
the office since 1990. The former director, Karen Bolluyt, retired at the
end of September after 23 years at ISU.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.