September 28, 2001
MGT completes campus visits, recommendations next
by Diana Pounds
Higher education consultants came to campus last week to glean ideas on
how to make Iowa State more efficient and effective. The visit, by MGT of
America consultants, marks the beginning of an organizational review of Iowa
State and the other regents institutions in the state.
The MGT consultants' task was to meet with a variety of university groups
and individuals to identify issues and areas that merit further study. The
consultants' recommendations on areas to be studied will be submitted to the
Board of Regents, State of Iowa, in mid- to late October.
The regents will determine which issues and areas will be studied in more
detail. The detailed studies (to be done in the second and third phases of
the organizational review) will be accomplished by teams of ISU faculty and
staff, regents staff and yet-to-be-hired consultants.
The regents anticipate that some of the studies and recommendations could be
completed by January 2002. They plan for longer-term studies and subsequent
recommendations to be completed by the end of 2002.
MGT, hired by the regents, is doing similar work on organizational reviews
at the other regents institutions Iowa, Northern Iowa, the Iowa School for
the Deaf, and the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School.
MGT is a Tallahassee-based management research and consulting firm that has
specialized in higher education for more than 25 years. Leading the MGT site
visit team is Ken Boutwell, CEO and co-founder of MGT and former vice
chancellor for the Florida State University System.
The organizational review of the regents institutions is a response to Gov.
Tom Vilsack's call for a review of all state units to find ways to make Iowa
government more efficient and effective.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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