September 28, 2001
Strategies to deal with budget cuts in the works
by Anne Krapfl
Iowa State leaders still are studying how the university might absorb an
anticipated $18.56 million mid-year funding cut from the state, if it is
enacted as proposed by Gov. Tom Vilsack. President Gregory Geoffroy said he
will share information with the university community as decisions are made.
Geoffroy is working with the vice presidents and Provost Rollin Richmond to
develop a strategy, including how much of the $18.56 million might be
absorbed through centrally funded budget items. Geoffroy also has asked the
Task Force on Strategic Effectiveness and Budget Priorities to swiftly
recommend some ways the university could meet the governor's proposed cut.
Geoffroy appointed the task force in August to help him take a big-picture
look at how the university can operate more efficiently and effectively and
deal with budget challenges such as this one.
Gov. Tom Vilsack announced Sept. 20 that he will ask the Iowa Legislature to
deappropriate $108.2 million from the state's FY02 budget when it convenes
in January. Vilsack said the Board of Regents, State of Iowa's portion of
that is $46.9 million, of which Iowa State's share is $18.56 million
(approximately 7 percent of the university's state appropriation for the
"Clearly, a mid-year deappropriation of $18.56 million from our budget will
be difficult to handle," Geoffroy said. "A reduction of this magnitude will
severely jeopardize the quality of many of our programs. We will do
everything we can to lessen that impact."
For the short term, Geoffroy asks people to identify and hold funds in
reserve for possible cuts.
"My hope is that we'll make some decisions very soon," he said, "but in the
meantime, our flexibility decreases with each passing day."
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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