August 31, 2001
Presidential task force to seek ways
to increase effectiveness, efficiency
President Gregory Geoffroy has appointed a task force to assist him and the
university in working with the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, on an
organizational review of Iowa State University. Similar reviews will be
undertaken at the other four regents institutions (University of Iowa,
University of Northern Iowa, Iowa School for the Deaf, and Iowa Braille and
Sight Saving School).
The 21-member task force, led by Provost Rollin Richmond, will seek ways to
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Iowa State University and
recommend strategies for dealing with any further budget challenges that the
university might face.
Advancing academic excellence a priority
"Advancing the academic excellence of the university will be a priority for
the task force," Geoffroy said. He added the group will seek broad input
from the university community.
The first task of the task force is to help the president prepare for an
organizational review of the regents institutions. The regents' review meets
Gov. Tom Vilsack's call for a study of state units with a goal of making
state government more efficient, effective and accountable.
The regents have hired a national management research and consulting firm,
MGT of America, Tallahassee, Fla., to assist in the first phase of the
organizational review -- identifying areas for study. The consultants will
be on the ISU campus in September to meet with a number of campus groups and
The regents' timeline calls for short-term studies of selected areas and
subsequent recommendations to be completed by January 2002. Longer-term
studies and recommendations are to be finished by the end of 2002.
The ISU task force also will recommend ways to deal with tight budgets.
"Our budgets may remain challenging," Geoffroy said. "But even in hard
times, there are things we can do to continue to move forward and make Iowa
State a better university."
Task force members
Members of the Task Force on University Strategic Effectiveness and Budget
Priorities are:
- Rollin Richmond, chair, provost
- Don Beitz, distinguished professor of animal science
- Teresa Branch, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
- Susan Carpenter, professor of veterinary microbiology and preventive
- Mark Chidister, assistant to the president for budget planning and
- Jane Farrell-Beck,University Professor, Textiles & Clothing
- Lee Fletcher, professor of economics, Faculty Senator
- Bonnie Glatz, university professor of food science and human nutrition
- Shelley Hawkins, library associate, university library
- Rex Heer, project coordinator in Instructional Technology Center,
president of Professional and Scientific Council
- Ron Irvin, field specialist, Cooperative Extension Field Service
- Danette Kenne, program coordinator, economics
- Warren Madden, vice president for business and finance
- Debbie Martinez, president of Graduate Student Senate
- Greg Palermo, associate chair of architecture
- Christie Pope, associate professor of history, Faculty Senate president
- Diana Pounds, communications manager, university relations
- Peter Rabideau, dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Ellen Rasmussen, Assistant Provost and ex officio member of the Task
- Derrick Rollins, associate professor of chemical engineering
- Roy Teas, distinguished professor of marketing
- Ann Thompson, professor of curriculum and instruction
- Andy Tofilon, president of Government of the Student Body
- William Woodman, professor of sociology, Faculty Senator
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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