August 10, 2001
New call for volunteer readers to record textbooks
Student Services is seeking additional volunteers to tape-record textbooks for blind and dyslexic students. So far this summer, 33 volunteers have read or are reading 75 books for use by students fall semester. Volunteers who are willing to read a book this summer or shortly after fall semester begins (when students begin changing classes) are asked to contact Jorja Kemp, 4-4646,
jkemp@iastate.edu. Readers record the books at home. In addition to adult readers, young people who are good readers can volunteer.
Venkata reappointed as chair
S.S. "Mani" Venkata, chair of the electrical and computer engineering department, was reappointed to a second term as chair, effective July 1. Venkata joined the college's largest department as chairman in 1996.
Cam shows construction of Reiman complex
A Web cam is recording progress on construction of the Reiman Gardens conservatory complex, which is expected to be completed next year. The "garden under glass," a $9.6 million project, will include a conservatory, butterfly flight house, greenhouses, auditorium, multi-purpose room, cafe and gift shop. The conservatory will house permanent and rotating plant displays and be connected to the Mahlstede Building through an outdoor terrace. The online camera is at:
Gift assists students with disabilities
A $50,000 gift from Iowa State alumnus Keith Sargent will assist students with disabilities and honor the memory of Joyce Packwood, former ISU coordinator of disability resources.
Sargent's gift will help establish three funds for students with disabilities: the Keith Sargent Scholarship for the Mobility, Visual and Hearing Disabled Fund; Keith Sargent Mobility, Visual and Hearing Disabled Students' Fund; and Joyce Packwood Memorial Fund.
Packwood, who was a quadriplegic, was the coordinator of disability resources from 1989 until her retirement in 2000. She died in August 2000.
Sargent lost both feet in an accident in 1996. He spent six months in the hospital and another three months in a wheelchair.
A group of Packwood's colleagues, led by Duffie Lorr of Ames, is working with the ISU Foundation to raise $7,500 to complement Sargent's gift to the Packwood Memorial Fund.
More returning to Beardshear
More units have returned to Beardshear Hall as phase I of the remodeling wraps up:
- The registrar's office tuition and fees area has moved to 0460 (ground floor) Beardshear Hall.
- Career planning staff and program have moved to 0570 Beardshear.
- Extension finance has moved to 2210 Beardshear.
- Student Answer Center is moving to 0950 Beardshear today (Aug. 10).
Accounts receivable and the ISU Card Office will move to Beardshear in September.
ISU sets record in sponsored funding
Iowa State received $217.7 million in sponsored funding during fiscal year 2001, a record high. This is an increase of 3 percent over the
$211.2 million Iowa State received last year. The $217.7 million includes all contracts, grants and gifts received directly by Iowa State for research, public service/extension activities, educational projects, student financial aid, buildings and equipment. Sponsored research funding alone was $133.3 million, also a record for Iowa State.
September jazz program at Pella Opera House
WOI Radio's Third Thursday Jazz heads to the Pella Opera House
Sept. 13 for a performance by the Latin-style Midwestern jazz ensemble Ashanti. The concert will air live and be rebroadcast Sept. 20. Admission is free, but reservations are required. Call 1-800-861-8000 or e-mail requests to
Cardinal and Gold Breakfast
The third annual Cardinal and Gold Breakfast will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 18, in downtown Ames. The breakfast celebrates the new athletic season at Iowa State. Free "cardinal and gold" omelets will be prepared by Iowa State coaches and athletes, as well as ISU staff and city officials.
Golf Fore United Way
Registration is under way for the second annual Golf Fore United Way of Story County on Friday, Sept. 14, at Veenker Memorial Golf Course. Registration and lunch begin at 11 a.m., shotgun start is at noon and awards will be presented at 5:30 p.m. The format will be 18 hole, four person, best shot. Cost is $75 per person and includes green fees, cart and lunch. In case of severe weather, the event will be cancelled and entry fees will be considered a donation to the United Way of Story County. For more information, contact Carol Smalley, 268-5142, fax: 268-5148, or e-mail
Bowling league welcomes new teams, individuals
The faculty-staff bowling league will begin its 2001-02 season on Monday, Sept. 10. The league bowls 32 weeks, ending in late April. All full-time employees of ISU are eligible to bowl. Teams sometimes represent a department or a combination of departments. There is room for new teams and for individuals. Contact league president John Schroeter, 4-5876,
johns@iastate.edu; or secretary Harvey Burkholder, 292-4546,
hr2burk@aol.com. The first captains meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 4, at 20th Century Bowling, 505 S. Duff Ave.
Seminar to improve teaching skills
The Center for Teaching Excellence and the Graduate College are holding their annual College Teaching Seminar Aug. 21-22 in the Memorial Union. The seminar provides an opportunity for new faculty and graduate students to improve their teaching skills. For more information and to register online, go to the Center for Teaching Excellence's Web site at
http://www. cte.iastate.edu/cts. Registrations are due by Aug. 10 and the seminar is limited to the 250.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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