July 20, 2001
Iowa State Web, other Internet services down July 29
by Diana Pounds
Many Internet and network services at Iowa State will be unavailable for
several hours Sunday, July 29. The service outage will begin at 8 a.m., when
staff begin upgrading AFS, one of the university network file
During the upgrade, Web surfers will not be able to access numerous Iowa
State Web sites, including many of those with www.public.iastate.edu and
www.iastate.edu in their addresses. In addition, ISU faculty, staff and
students won't be able to use WebMail or access various Acropolis services
(services you access with your ISU Net-ID).
The Web sites and other network services should be back in service by 4 p.m.
Sunday and much earlier, if the upgrade work goes smoothly, said Bill
Frazier, assistant director in Academic Information Technologies.
"We realize this is a big inconvenience for the campus community and
others," Frazier said. "We've scheduled the work during the time of year
when use of the ISU network is lightest. We'll move as quickly as possible
to get the system back up."
The upgrade will help ensure that the Iowa State network services continue
to run smoothly, he said.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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